From the course: AutoCAD 2025 Essential Training

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Sharing AutoCAD drawings with other stakeholders

Sharing AutoCAD drawings with other stakeholders - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2025 Essential Training

Sharing AutoCAD drawings with other stakeholders

- [Instructor] I'm still in my gf1031southeastmadison_cloud.dwg file in the cloud. Now, this is very clever technology, because I'm in the AutoCAD desktop, but I'm using a cloud based drawing. So I'm using the cloud as, in essence, my hard drive. It's quite clever. But there are other collaboration tools available in AutoCAD as well. Now they're over here on the share panel, on the collaborate tab on the ribbon, you've got share drawing and you've got shared views. Well look at shared views in a minute. I'm going to go to shared drawing first. Now, if I click on share drawing, basically what it does is it allows you to share the drawing as a view only or as an edit and save a copy version. So if I select that, you'll notice the link here changes, and the link will expire in seven days. But what it does is it sends a link that can be opened in AutoCAD on the web or AutoCAD on mobile. So this makes me sort of say to you that you need to start investigating AutoCAD web and AutoCAD mobile…
