From the course: AutoCAD 2025 Essential Training

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Using Move and Copy in your AutoCAD drawings

Using Move and Copy in your AutoCAD drawings - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2025 Essential Training

Using Move and Copy in your AutoCAD drawings

- [Instructor] We're staying in our officelayout.dwg file, and we're going to take a look at the move and copy functionality within AutoCAD. Now, like I've said to you before, anything on that right click shortcut menu is also available up here on the modified panel. It is however quicker to right click and use the shortcut menu. So if I select my desk like so, and then I right click and I select move, I'm now asked for a base point where I move from. So I'm going to click here on that endpoint snap there, left click, I'm going to pop it over here. So that endpoint snap on the end of the wall, left click. As you can see, it's moved. Now what I can also do is copy that desk. So if I select that desk again, and right click again on the shortcut menu, select copy selection. So I'll go for that corner of the desk again, make sure you get the right object snap. Make sure you get the desk and not the wall. And then we'll pop that into this little cubicle here. Now if you need to zoom in to…
