From the course: Data-Driven Project Management: Project Metrics That Matter

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Avoiding three measurement pitfalls

Avoiding three measurement pitfalls

- [Instructor] To make sure your data is valid and reliable, you need to be aware of measurement pitfalls. And there are three main sources of pitfalls associated with measures and metrics: correlation versus causation, measuring what's easy versus what's meaningful, and confirmation bias. Using the Desert Rose Community, we'll start with the first pitfall correlation versus causation. I mean, what does this even mean? Well, correlation means there's a relationship between two variables, such as late delivery and being over budget. Causation means the behavior or status of one variable causes the other. On this chart for construction, you can see as the number of days late increases, the amount of budget overrun also increases. This is called a positive correlation. As one variable goes up, the other variable goes up, but it doesn't mean that being late caused the budget overrun or vice or versa. Being late may have…
