From the course: Data-Driven Project Management: Project Metrics That Matter

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Best practices for sharing data

Best practices for sharing data

- We collect data to understand where we are, help us figure out where we want to go and the best way to get there, but to really drive our message home, we need to present that data in a compelling and easy to understand format. In this video, we'll discuss the benefits of dashboards and how to use information radiators to present hand drawn information. A project dashboard provides an at-a-glance view of key performance indicators, KPIs, such as schedule and budget status. This example shows bar charts, line charts, pie charts, and so forth. So how do you choose the best kind of chart to display your data? In general, bar charts show one or more series of data. Line charts show changes over time. Pie charts show relative percentages and stoplight charts indicate if performance is approaching a threshold. Creating dashboards is a discipline unto itself, and they're usually built with a spreadsheet or database. There…
