From the course: Foundations of Responsible AI

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Critical AI incidents and learnings

Critical AI incidents and learnings

From the course: Foundations of Responsible AI

Critical AI incidents and learnings

- You may have heard about various AI incidents that received major press, but let's talk about what we can learn from past mistakes. We can think of an AI incident as a failure of an AI system that harms people in some way. What we can learn from past harmful AI incidents is that the impact of our systems are more important than the technical details. There's so many past models that have hurt users and citizens alike. Let's dive deeply into an AI incident with widespread impact. An apartment in New York City installed a facial recognition system to replace their old key fob system. The neighborhood around Brooklyn's Atlantic Plaza Towers is predominantly Black. This fact already makes any facial recognition system less effective, but the system was also used to surveil and punish residents. In this incident, 130 residents protested the installation for various reasons, such as weariness over the use of their biometric…
