From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Create a project without a storyboard

Create a project without a storyboard

From the course: iOS Development Tips

Create a project without a storyboard

- [Instructor] I carry my iPad around everywhere. I'll prototype, and even write large projects in iPad Playgrounds, and then want them to become XCode projects. Let's look at how to convert from one to the other. I'm going to start with a project we'll be using on several tips to build a color picker app. You'll find the project in the exercise files, which is a blank, single view project, with a playground that I have dragged into it. I have all my classes, and a single model here, and I'm going to split these all up. I'm going to make a new file HueColorTVC, for the table view. I'm going to go over here to ColorPicker, and pick my object. And then go to file, new, file. Pick Cocoa Touch Class, and make the file for the table view. I am not going to worry about the subclass here, so I'm just going to leave all of these for right now, NSObject, because I'm going to be moving all that in, so it just can stay NSObject for now. And I want the group to be ColorPicker, so I keep it in the…
