From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Make a widget, part 2: Families

Make a widget, part 2: Families

From the course: iOS Development Tips

Make a widget, part 2: Families

- [Instructor] I've shown you how to display a widget on the home screen. This week we're going to add the families. We've been using only one of three families. So we've got over here for example the small family but there's also a large and a medium family. You identify the supported families in the pizza time widget method in the supported families modifier. So, let's take a look at that real quick. And if you go down a pizza time widget here, you see right over here that we don't have something called the supported family. Now, I left this default last week, which gives us all and that's a really bad idea. It's much better to always put in the supported families 'cause otherwise things start stretching and distorting the support all the families. So put in here, supported families and then it asks for a collection of supported families and we're going to start this one with just the system Small. And let's do…
