El color de yema es super importante en la producción de huevo, no solo a nivel nutricional o en afectaciones al consumirlo si no también en como percibe el consumidor el producto que le ofrecemos, por eso adaptar y controlar el color de la yema es tan importante para tener clientes satisfechos y dispuestos a seguir comprando nuestro producto.
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Chicken Egg Yolk Color Egg yolks are full of nutritional value and rich in vitamins and fatty acids, which are not present in egg whites. You must have heard the phrase, “You are what you eat” well, for the chickens, you can say they lay what they eat. If the chickens are given a nutrition-packed diet, they will lay eggs with rich yolk color. Researchers found that light orange or golden yellow egg yolks have more vitamin and omega-3 fatty acids than pale-colored yolks. Healthy hens can process the nutrients they consume and pass some crucial nutrients to their eggs. A single egg pack can give you a whopping 43 grams of protein, so it’s always a good idea to stock up on good-quality eggs. Let’s look at the different colors of egg yolks and their health benefits. Pale Yellow Yolks Chicken that is fed a commercial diet loaded with soy, wheat, barley, white cornmeal, and corn. Since they are consuming less pigmented food and xanthophylls, this tends to lighten the color of egg yolks. Mid-Orange Or Golden Yolks Hens, with a diet rich in supplements from greens, xanthophylls, and alfalfa, lays eggs with a slightly dark yolk. The eggs you buy from the grocery store are likely to be of a lighter shade of orange. Deep Orange Yolks Chickens allowed to rear freely can pick up various foods full of nutrients. The egg yolks’ orange pigmentation usually results from accumulating foods such as cantaloupe and carrots. Due to this reason, many pasture-raised chickens have deep orange yolks. Red Egg Yolks You are lucky if an egg yolk is reddish because it’s incredibly nutritious. Chickens that are given lots of dark pepper or annatto seeds to feed on are most likely to have red yolks. Chicken egg yolk color is directly associated with its quality. A dark yolk color indicates more nutritional benefits you are likely to get from it. Consult the egg yolk coloring chart below to find out about the different yolk colors and the quality of their feed. Bad Egg Yolk A lousy egg yolk color is likely pink, green, or iridescent. Such eggs may be contaminated by Pseudomonas bacteria and are not safe for consumption. Also, if the white is watery, the egg may be too old and not fit to eat. A foul odor from the egg or black or green spots inside the egg also indicates a rotten egg. Hard Boiled Egg Yolk Color A hard-boiled egg can make you feel better if you are feeling a little under the weather. A hard-boiled egg always has a golden yolk if it’s boiled for the right time, which is 5 to 10 minutes. The yolk may turn grey, green, or blue if you cook your egg for more than 10 minutes. The Gray egg yolk color of a boiled egg may not look appetizing, but it’s safe to eat. The gray compound is Iron Sulfide, which results from a reaction between the Iron in the yolk and Hydrogen Sulfide from egg whites.