3 Ways to be Happy at Work!
For generations, people have searched for the pot of gold at the end of the happiness rainbow. But how much of our overall happiness is related to career consistency or happiness at work? Economists recently carried out a number of experiments to test the idea that we, happy employees, do actually work harder. Professor A. Oswald, Dr. Proto and Dr. Sgroi from the Department of Economics at the University of Warwick led the research. Studies showed that happiness made us around 12% more productive at work. In another study from J. Dirlam and H. Zheng, Ohio State faculty members found that job satisfaction in your late 20s and 30s has a link to overall health in your early 40s. The studies conclude that job satisfaction and productivity, overall health and happiness are all interconnected.
The good news is that what makes us happy has less to do with job titles, money or possessions, and more to do with our confidence, attitude and relationships with other people. We all want to be more productive at work, but being happier and healthier will hold significant value for us outside of work. Maybe this is an opportunity to re-think your priorities and find new ways to Connect, Engage and Grow!
Here are 3 simple ways to be happier at work, no matter which city you call home!
1. Connect: With Communities
Our relationships with other people are the most important factor when discussing personal happiness. People with connected, real relationships are happier, healthier and live longer. Our broader social networks or personal communities bring a sense of belonging. Those networks could be online or offline communities that become gathering places for people to interact and collaborate toward a common goal. It’s these multi-dimensional communities that can provide fulfillment for individuals in their career. So it's vital that we take action to strengthen our relationships and make new connections. Consider how you might connect with like-minded professionals in a community setting? Some people like to include others from work in this process to help create a sense of team and incorporate communities into your organization’s cultural fabric. Try to outline something that your work environment is not providing for you.
Don’t be afraid to take the lead and simply reach out to others that may be feeling the same way. Take the leap of faith connect with communities!
2. Engage: A Lifetime of Learning
There is a phenomenon in business today that we have “too much to learn.” But it’s not just technology causing this learning overload. Other factors, such as an aging workforce, first time millennial managers, and a relentless emphasis on performance improvement, has made intense learning a critical task in most of our jobs today. However, If we can figure out how to channel the chaos of learning and simplify it, there are enormous benefits. Learning effects our well-being in lots of positive ways. It exposes us to new ideas and helps us stay curious and engaged in our jobs. It also gives us a sense of accomplishment and helps boost our self-confidence and resilience. There are loads of ways to learn new things throughout our lives, not just through formal education or company trainings. Do something for the first time today. Sample a new dish, try a new route to work, read a different newspaper, or learn a new skill. If that all of that sounds overwhelming, find a career coach or two to help you along your journey. Don’t be afraid to gather lots of perspectives along your voyage of lifetime of learning!
3. Grow: Find your Purpose
Feeling good about the future is really important in driving our daily happiness. We all need realistic goals to motivate us and ensure they are challenging enough to excite us and that is a cornerstone for personal fulfillment. Don’t try to attempt the impossible as this creates unnecessary stress, but achievement is the ultimate motivator. Choosing meaningful, but realistic goals will give our lives purpose and direction, delivering a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when we achieve them.
People who have meaning and purpose in their lives are happier, feel more in control and get more out of what they do. They also experience less anxiety, stress and depression. But where do we find meaning and purpose? Doing a job that makes a difference or gives you personal meaning is at the heart of this. Even if you know your current job isn’t the one for you long term, remember that the skills you’re developing are building blocks to the career you really want. And simply remembering this will make life a bit more tolerable until you breakout and find your career nirvana. It’s not that difficult to find your purpose and it all starts with what you value and your personal value system.
Try jotting down what’s most important to you personally; family time, career advancement, living in a particular city, or being your own boss? Its different for all of us, but once you identify your value system its easy to line those values up with your purpose!
Putting Advice into Action
I recently spent some time in Zurich, Switzerland connecting with Business Coaches, Lifetime Learners and Prospective Enterprise Clients. I was reminded how important it is to be face to face and listening to the needs of others in our community. I also had the opportunity to learn new skills from highly trained and experienced business coaches. My purpose is simple: I’m here to help people enjoy their careers and build a sustainable place for all of us that need career support!
Click the thumbs up if you liked the article! LeggUP.com launches 4.4.18. Cheers, Tom
Thanks for the article. “The studies conclude that job satisfaction and productivity, overall health and happiness are all interconnected” this sentence is a good take out for reflection however frequently forgotten.
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6yTom, I’d love to write about this. If I do, could I reference your work?
Encouraging Individuals | Empowering Teams | Enhancing Efficiency | Elevating Service Quality
6yThis is a great article. Clearly demonstrates the many dimensions to consider when striving to being happy at work.
Creating benefits for employers that their employees will LOVE and their competition will HATE
6yI love this! Why on earth would you keep selling your soul to a job you truly cannot be happy in? Aligning purpose, passion and relationships along with service to others gives life to both you and your career.
Healthcare Senior Executive & Leader, Board Member
6yGood read Tom