What is NextJS? A Hands-On Introduction to Developing Faster Websites
What is NextJS?
Next.js is a React-based framework that provides a solution to this problem. It promises to improve the performance of a website using an easy-to-use set of features, including pre-rendering. Considering how the developer community has flocked around the framework within a short time since its release, it’s safe to say that Next delivers on this promise without reservation.
Furthermore, Next.js provides many features, such as static export, preview mode, pre-rendering, faster compilation, and automatic building size optimization. As per my view, the existing Next.js version is something React has been missing for quite a long time.
Next JS includes all the features you will need to create an application. Furthermore, the documentation is excellent, and it is becoming increasingly popular among developers for front-end development.
Next.js is a popular framework, but that doesn’t mean you should use it all of the https://www.linkedin.com/redir/general-malware-page?url=time%2eIt's advertised by its creators as a zero-configuration, single-command toolchain for React apps. It provides a common structure that allows you to easily build a frontend React application, and transparently handles server-side rendering for you.
The main Features Provided by Next.js are:
Here is a Non-Exhaustive List of The Main Next.Js Features:
- Hot Code Reloading
Next.js reloads the page when it detects any change saved to disk.
- Prefetching
The Link component, used to link together different pages, supports a prefetch prop which automatically prefetches page resources (including code missing due to code splitting) in the background.
- Dynamic Components
You can import JavaScript modules and React Components dynamically.
- Static Exports
Using the next export command, Next.js allows you to export a fully static site from your app.
- TypeScript Support
Next.js is written in TypeScript and as such comes with an excellent TypeScript support.
- Automatic Routing
Any URL is mapped to the filesystem, to files put in the pages folder, and you don't need any configuration (you have customization options of course).
- Single File Components
Using styled-jsx, completely integrated as built by the same team, it's trivial to add styles scoped to the component.
- Server Rendering
You can render React components on the server side, before sending the HTML to the client.
- Ecosystem Compatibility
Next.js plays well with the rest of the JavaScript, Node, and React ecosystem.
- Automatic Code Splitting
Pages are rendered with just the libraries and JavaScript that they need, no more. Instead of generating one single JavaScript file containing all the app code, the app is broken up automatically by Next.js in several different resources.
What is Next.Js Used For?
Next.js is used to develop:
ECommerce Websites
Marketing Websites
Landing Pages
Difference Between React and Next JS
Well, if you use Next JS and React for your development project, you will find many perks and drawbacks of using these for React/JavaScript projects. However, these are the important front-end development tools that offer a seamless and engaging web development experience. However, they have different learning curves, although they both are easy to learn.
Comparing Next.js vs React, Next.js is a React framework, on the other hand, React is just a JavaScript library.
This blog post will give you a basic introduction and help you determine which platform will be preferable for your next JavaScript development project.
What is React?
Developed by Facebook, React is an open-source and flexible JavaScript library. It is more of a librabr than a framework. It allows developers to develop scalable, simple, and fast frontend interfaces for Single Page Applications or Multi-page Web Applications. It supports a functional programming paradigm and a reactive approach.
What is React Used For?
- Social Media Platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter)
- Economy platforms (Airbnb, Lyft, Uber)
- Media Platform (Yahoo!)
- Online Video Streaming Platforms (Netflix)
- SaaS Tools (SendGrid, Asana, InVisionApp, Zapier)
Difference Between React and Next JS
Well, if you use Next JS and React for your development project, you will find many perks and drawbacks of using these for React/JavaScript projects. However, these are the important front-end development tools that offer a seamless and engaging web development experience. However, they have different learning curves, although they both are easy to learn.
Next JS vs React: Performance
The major difference between Next JS and React JS is performance.Next.js applications are extremely fast because of the static destinations and server-side rendering. They are viable due to many performance enhancement features, such as Image Optimization. As a result, if you pick Next.js for your project, you will get automatic server rendering and code-splitting.
Next vs React: Documentation
Next.js provides a set of tutorials that walk you through Next JS component creation, development, integration, and guiding. Whereas, React offers a similar design, with a few introductory activities that explain the fundamentals. Create React App is a tool that saves your time and effort from setting up and updating your work environment.
Next JS vs React: Server-side Rendering
React does not allow server-side rendering by default, although it can be enabled. It just takes some extra effort to integrate SSR with your preferred server and setup.
Next JS vs React: Developer Community
Next.js and React offer a positive developer experience. Next.js has less conventional exercise and more discussions from GitHub. React has an amazing developers community who are very active in blogs, tutorials, videos, and etc. Also, you can find out the active members and React docs on Stack Overflow.
Next JS vs React: Configuration
Another difference between React and Next JS you should consider is configuration. React doesn’t offer great support for configuration. Unless you disconnect from the standard Create React App, you won’t be able to change the setups. Hence, you’ll need to use what’s already set up or configured in CRA’s read-scripts.