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BlogLinodeLinode Cloud Asia-Pacific!

Linode Cloud Asia-Pacific!

Today we are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Linode Cloud services in Tokyo, Japan!

This new facility will service the growing Asia Pacific demand for low-latency cloud services, and joins the growing number of options for your Linode Cloud deployments. The Tokyo facility delivers all of our services including Linodes, Managed Backups, and NodeBalancers.

There is no premium for placing Linode instances in our Asia Pacific location. Pricing for this location is the same as our other facilities.

You can use our speedtest page to test latency and download speeds from Tokyo or any of our six facilities. We can easily migrate your Linodes from one facility to another — just open a support ticket and we’ll take care of you.

Comments (73)

  1. Author Photo
  2. Author Photo


  3. Author Photo
  4. Author Photo

    Amazing !

    Linode rocks !

  5. Author Photo

    Gaahh amazing! Waited this for so long 🙂

  6. Author Photo

    What does the latency look like from a linode in NJ to one in Tokyo? Could my linodes all be on the same LAN even though they are halfway around the world?

    This is definitely very exciting!

  7. Author Photo

    Awesome! Takin’ over the world one data-center at a time. 😀

  8. Author Photo

    Yesss! Good news! Now we don’t need to find another provider just for Asia

  9. Author Photo

    Excellent news – well done Linode!!

    Now can we have a facility in South Africa?

  10. Author Photo

    Pretty soon I will run out of bacon-flavoured purple prose to express my utter delight and other fan-boy feelings. I’m still waiting for a data center here in Canuckistan, but it honestly makes me happy to see Linode growing like this. Way to go guys!

  11. Author Photo

    Awesome! It’s really impressive!

  12. Author Photo

    I’ve been wanting this for years. It’s like Christmas in September.

  13. Author Photo

    According to this page IPv6 is not yet supported in Tokyo.

  14. Author Photo

    Nice – though I don’t currently need a Linode in the new location, I’m pleased to see this being offered.

  15. Author Photo

    Great!!!! It’s very happy for me!

  16. Author Photo

    If we move several nodes from one facility to tokyo (our company is located near tokyo), will our current ips (both external and internal) be kept?

  17. Author Photo
  18. Author Photo

    Very very very nice!! thx linode!!

  19. Author Photo
  20. Author Photo

    Awesome news. Been waiting for this for a long time. Nice one guys.

  21. Author Photo

    bad news, seems like the ip address of is blocked in China mainland, I couldn’t access this test address through China Unicom’s line.

  22. Author Photo

    No problem in Shangrao, Jiangxi. China Telecom.

  23. Author Photo

    Woo, Linode is the best. and the china tel from guangdong is OK. The ping to is just 79-80ms.

  24. Author Photo

    Congrats! big news!

  25. Author Photo


  26. Author Photo

    Tokyo gets better latency to Taiwan, than USA.

    Good job Linode!!

  27. Author Photo

    Awesome! you are great.

  28. Author Photo


  29. Author Photo
    Insert diskette in drive B: strike any key when ready

    I’ve always wanted a v4 address inside apnic region. i been itching to add another linode too. perfect timing.

  30. Author Photo

    Woot, time to set foot in the Middle Kingdom then! 🙂

  31. Author Photo

    Awesome. Though I wonder how earthquake-resistant it is.

  32. Author Photo

    To fisherman, I can access in Beijing, maybe it is your network problem

  33. Author Photo

    Love you!
    Migrating to Tokyo…

  34. Author Photo

    how about Middle east? i know they pare part of asia but still 😀

  35. Author Photo
  36. Author Photo


  37. Author Photo

    As usual you are the best! Respect!

  38. Author Photo

    Great!! Now some Managed Hosting… In terms of Security and protection..

  39. Author Photo

    All the best ….

  40. Author Photo
  41. Author Photo

    Okay.. need to update guys from China.. Just tested again by using China Tietong’s ADSL, Tokyo server is pingable. It might be my company’s network line problem. Cheers!

  42. Author Photo

    That’s great! I love Linode!

  43. Author Photo
  44. Author Photo

    The new Tokyo node was great when i tried from China at noon.but the latency grows and the download speed decreases in the evening:<

    the ping result was 60ms and now it is 100ms with 2% packet loss:<
    download speed was 1MB/s(from my 8Mbit/s adsl) and now it is 80KB/s

  45. Author Photo

    This is great news since I do most of my development work from Vietnam. Thanks.

  46. Author Photo


    For India, I would have wished this to be Singapore though. Tokyo Vs London is barely 10% faster ping from here.

    Overall a great move. Great going Linode.


  47. Author Photo

    This is choice. Do feel to keep moving it towards Australia at anytime. The beaches here are great.

  48. Author Photo

    From Coimbatore, India
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 148.880/151.513/154.747/2.005 ms

  49. Author Photo

    Great, lower latency from asia … around 100ms 🙂 i hope linode expand more datacenter in asia.

  50. Author Photo

    Very cool!

    Linode rocks!

  51. Author Photo

    Looking forward for the Brazilian data center!! Congratulations and keep up with the great job you guys are doing.

  52. Author Photo

    Linode is perfect!

  53. Author Photo

    Merci! So nice to see your business expanding, Japan is a very important bridge to the SEA region, and is the perfect country to extend support to.

  54. Author Photo

    That is awesome news!
    Im getting a new server in Japan for my asian customers.

    Download Test From Singapore:

    root@ec2:~# wget
    –2011-09-24 14:41:59–
    Connecting to||:80… connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
    Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/octet-stream]
    Saving to: “100MB-tokyo.bin”

    100%[===================================>] 104,857,600 19.6M/s in 7.8s

  55. Author Photo

    this is good..

    i hope can have a server in Singapore and that will be great..

  56. Author Photo

    I shall check this out tonight!
    but… will further expanding the DC into Hong Kong? I’d die for it 🙂

  57. Author Photo

    Moving my Linode now 😀

  58. Author Photo

    Wow, I’d like to move my vm to Tokyo!

  59. Author Photo

    Just moved from Fremont to Tokyo.

    I feel so much safer now!

  60. Author Photo

    Nodes in every DC looks great on my network maps! Of course, expanded presence in Asia is great. Took about four hours to clone from London

  61. Author Photo

    Domo arigato Mr. Roboto!

  62. Author Photo
  63. Author Photo

    Merci beaucoup!!! Need DC in Hongkong +1!!!!

  64. Author Photo

    I shall check this out tonight!
    but… will further expanding the DC into Hong Kong? I’d die for it

  65. Author Photo

    the service is becoming better and better!great

  66. Author Photo

    it is a great technology
    a lot of features in this virtual technology.
    everybody moves cloud platform to big and middle level companies.

  67. Author Photo

    Well done, I have changed to Tokyo node.
    It runs well now.

  68. Author Photo

    i have interesting of using it
    and i have tried the download speed at tokyo
    about 700+ KB/s

    its wonderful, but there is still 2 problem:

    1, how can i test the ssh speed? people like me prefer to login to the server and coding there. we care about the ssh speed

    2, i noticed that the download speed for dallas at my locations is quite slow, about 30+k/s , so if i want to setup a service for global(especially north america and eurapean), which facility should i choose? and if i bought two vps for service to japan and north america, do you have any special link for my syncing data between my vps?

  69. Author Photo

    @Fred I am in Singapore too. But Japan is still international traffic and decidedly jittery on traffic signal ISPs.
    The downloads might work because of bandwidth at say 2-10Mbps but the response time essential for websites may be too low. please share your experience.

    thank you

  70. Author Photo
    J Peter Armerding

    Congratulations on this expansion to Asia.

    HOWEVER, here is a shameless plug for a new service delivered in Canada (Canuckistan as mentioned by AgentOfPork earlier). We get requests from Canada that are like those from the EU (Thank You for service in Great Brittan) where government agencies are requiring clinical research data and patient identifying information to be stored in computers under their legal jurisdiction.

    Keep up the good work all around but please do the Canuckian thing soon.

  71. Author Photo

    I wish Linode expand do Singapore data center..
    it would be great..

  72. Author Photo

    Equinix Tokyo facilities worth considering, please check it out, if your current provider cant provide expansion options…

    Equinix TY2 has lots of networks :

    With the Bit-isle acquisition, Equinix now has three other locations – TY6, TY7 and TY8 – in the same campus, offering new capacity for customers who seek low-latency connections to the network providers in Equinix TY2.

    For your information…

  73. Author Photo

    please add a datacenter in one of equinix Tokyo facilities.

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