Hunan Lingte Technology Co., Ltd.

We are happy to assist you with any questions regarding the current available Lingte products.

Technical Support includes:

After-sales Service

Install and Maintain

Full time direct email Technical Support

Engineering Support by phone

Field Support Engineer

After-sales Service

Lingte provide excellent after-sales service including answer questions with professional knowledge and experience, accessories and spare parts supply, complete our comprehensive offering. Call +86 731 85925707 at office hours (Beijing time zone).

Install and Maintain

We have set up a programme to train the clients who properly operate, install and maintain our lights and devices.

Full time email Technical Support

To keep your aircraft warning light system serviceable, our engineering team is available full time by email to answer queries that require analysis and disposition support. We do our best to answer all inquiries in less then 24h (depending by time zone).

Technical Support by phone

We work closely with our customers to gain a comprehensive understanding of their issues, enabling us to deliver certified solutions to suit their needs. Our customer care is available by phone to answer all queries.

Field Support Engineer

We provide field engineer to perform technical analysis to complex problems associated with our own type-design components. Working to resolve issues with aircraft warning light systems in service, we can develop specific modifications in field.

MediaHoursCustomer Engineering Support
BY PHONEMonday–FridayWe work closely with our customers to gain a comprehensive understanding of their issues, enabling us to deliver certified solutions to suit their needs.
(+86 731 8592 5707)8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
13:30 a.m. - 17:30 p.m.
(Beijing time zone)
BY EMAILFull timeTo keep your aircraft warning light system serviceable, our engineering team is available full time by email to answer queries that require analysis and disposition support.





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