Global Rank is the ranking of 3,491,654 podcasts based on Listen Score.
For example: Let's assume there are only 5 podcasts in the world: A, B, C, D, and E.
The podcast A's Listen Score (LS) is 25, B's is 30, C's is 50, D's is 70, and E's is 95.
As we can see, E has the highest Listen Score (i.e., LS 95), meaning E is the most popular podcast.
E's Global Rank is Top 20%.
D (LS 70) is the second most popular podcast, and its Global Rank is Top 40%.
C (LS 50) is the third most popular podcast, and its Global Rank is Top 60%...
You get the idea.
Global Rank is for podcasts of all regions, languages, and genres.
In the future, we may consider ranking podcasts in specific regions, languages, and genres, e.g., Top 1% podcasts in Japan.