25 Elon Musk Memes That Elon Himself Probably Loves

They Don't Call Him a Meme Lord for Nothing

Elon Musk
Elon Musk, during the opening of a Tesla Motors store in Newport Beach, CA.

 J. Emilio Flores / Getty Images

Elon Musk is the South African billionaire best known for being the successful CEO of companies like Tesla Motors and SpaceX, the first private company ever to launch a rocket into space. He's also known as being a bit of an oddball in real life, a persona he has gleefully embraced on the internet.

Musk has always been active on Twitter, tweeting out updates and opinions to his 27 million followers with a regularity that some investors find concerning. After a series of tweets turned public perception against him in 2017 he took drastic measures to turn his image around, starting with a bizarre yet hilarious interview with Joe Rogan for the entertainer's "The Joe Rogan Experience" podcast. He followed up that marijuana-laced visit with a live trip to meet PewDiPie, the most-watched YouTuber online today. Next thing we knew Elon had somehow used memes to become relevant to an entirely new demographic: the young people of the internet.

Now the "likable weirdo" has become the poster child for self-deprecation in the form of web memes. If you tweet an Elon meme at Elon, he might just reply. Thanks to the way he has embraced meme culture he's now considered to be one of the most popular public figures on the internet, right after Bob Ross and Keanu Reeves.

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Why Be Ordinary?

Via Reddit

There's nothing ordinary about Elon, which is why these two reaction images have picked up where the old Drake meme left off.

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Classic Humans

Via Reddit

We're not saying he's a robot, but we've never seen him fully submerged in water now, have we?

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Investors Hate Him!

Via Reddit

His little on-air smoking session with Joe Rogan may have tanked Tesla's stock, but it definitely didn't hurt Elon's public image online.

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Do It for Him

Via Reddit

Not only will he probably see your meme, he might even reply!

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Why Is That Funny?

Via Reddit

After Elon laughed uproariously at a meme of a dead deer in a swimming pool, the internet wasn't sure whether to love him or hate him. We went with love him because after all, it's the internet, brah. It's dark.

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Yes, Please

Via Reddit

Who else is up for an Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg cage match?

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We Always Wondered....

Via Reddit

"That's Mr. Muskrat to you."

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This Is a Real Photograph

Via Reddit

No, it has not been altered in any way.

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He Was Already Weird to Start With

Via Reddit

Things really went off the rails once he had his first 420 experience.

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Those Follicles Know Who's Boss!

Via Funnyjunk

Rich people don't have to be bald. You hear that, Jeff Bezos?

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Speaking of Dear Old Jeff

Via Facebook

Aren't all billionaires best friends?

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Good Guy Elon

Via Reddit 

Not all heroes wear capes.

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Focus, Elon. Focus!

Via Twitter

He's big on artificial intelligence, but so far he seems to be focused solely on building a rocket to get off this rapidly-dying hell hole we call Earth. Go figure.

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Et Tu, PewDiPie?

Via Toptrends365

Something tells us Elon had a few Tesla shirts sent to the popular YouTube star right after this appearance.

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Slow Day at the Office?

Via Facebook

You're gonna have to work harder than that if you want to take over the world!

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Who Knew He Was Such an Artiste?

Via Facebook

This is an actual profile picture that he created himself and uploaded to Twitter. These jokes write themselves, people!

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Just Another Day

Via Memedroid

He's well on his way to being an evil super-villain, but thankfully he's still using his power for good. For now, anyway.

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Via imgflip

It's a meme, so it must be true.

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It's Like Looking in a Mirror!

Via Facebook

We've seen plenty of people who've found their doppelgangers in a museum, but they all pale in comparison to this gem.

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So Funny... Mostly

Via meme.xyz

Laughing at oneself is a good thing, but some of those memes have to sting a little.

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What Are the Chances?

Via imgflip

Stay in your lane, Elon.

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It's Glorious

Via Facebook

"Just launching an incredible world-changing rocket. No big deal."

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It's Impossible to Say

Via Reddit

We're going with "real," no question.

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Smells Like Mars Spirit

 Via Reddit

Mmm... smells musky.

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Pipe Down, Stupid Brain

Via Reddit

Hold on, guys. I have a feeling this might be Photoshopped.