Liverpool’s Edge Lane cinema to close in three months
Cineworld say they are being booted out of its retail park building when the lease comes to an end
Liverpool's Edge Lane cinema will shut its doors for the final time within three months.
The company is being booted out of the building when its lease ends in July.
Cineworld broke the news to registered cinema members in an email.
It said: “We are sad to share the news that your local Cineworld will soon be closing.
“After a decade serving the movie lovers of Liverpool, the landlord has served us notice on our building.
“But fear not, we will continue to show the latest movies and blockbusters right up until the cinema closes on July 14, 2016.”
The email said a new Cineworld is due to open in late 2018 as part of the New Mersey Retail Park in Speke .
This will leave Liverpool without a Cineworld branch for around two years.
Planning permission was granted for the New Mersey Retail Park, including an 11-screen cinema, last July.
The whole project is expected to create around 1,000 new jobs – 600 in retail and 390 in construction.
It will feature six restaurants and a number of shopping units.
Existing buildings, including electrical store Currys, were demolished to make way for the new retail park.
Cineworld cinemas will remain in Broughton, near Chester, Runcorn, Leigh and St Helens, the company’s email added.
Sharon Rusk, general manager of the Edge Lane cinema, said: “We’ve already started a minimum 30-day consultation period with the 35 cinema employees, which will continue after the closure of the cinema.
“We will work with our employees throughout their consultation period to identify vacancies and new opportunities within our business.”