All airports:
96 hours before departure
Blue Island tickets*:
48 hours before departure
*All flight numbers greater than LM2000 will have to check in online at
Passenger cabin bags and hold luggage must not contain any articles or substances that may present a danger during transport.
Please read the prohibited items notice.
Check-in opening time
2 hours before scheduled time of departure.
Check-in closing time
Check-in closure at 40 minutes before scheduled time of departure
Check-in opening time
2 hours and 30 minutes before scheduled time of departure.
Check-in closing time
Check-in closure at 1 hour before scheduled time of departure.
Check-in opening time
2 hours and 30 minutes before scheduled time of departure.
Check-in closing time
Check-in closure at 1 hour before scheduled time of departure.
Flying all over Scotland and the UK.