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Products>What is the Orthodox Church? A Brief Overview of Orthodoxy

What is the Orthodox Church? A Brief Overview of Orthodoxy

ISBN: 9781936270361

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This volume provides a brief overview of Orthodoxy. Father Marc Dunaway offers a valuable resource as he outlines the history of the Christian Church, with concise explanations and helpful at-a-glance timelines. He includes the age of persecution, the age of councils, the Great Schism, the Protestant Reformation, and more. A perfect introduction for those unfamiliar with the Orthodox Church, it also makes a handy reference work.

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Key Features

  • Provides a comprehensive introduction to Orthodox Christianity
  • Explains key ideas about the Orthodox Church
  • Presents insights into the journey of faith

Top Highlights

“It is the oldest Church in Christianity, with its biblical worship, its historic way of life, and a continuity which reaches all the way back to the early Church of the Book of Acts. In fact, Orthodox Christianity is not just a ‘branch’ of the Church, but the very trunk, the original Christian Church.” (Page 6)

“The second thing the Orthodox Church has done is to preserve unchanged the original Faith of the Church, the Faith of the Apostles, of the martyrs, and of the Seven Ecumenical Councils.” (Page 18)

“Arius began to teach in Egypt: ‘There once was a time when the Son of God did not exist!’” (Page 10)

“Without agreement as to what was the full and original Faith of the Church, unity of belief and practice was never again realized. Instead, even greater division occurred.” (Page 15)

“Under Lenin and Stalin, more than twenty million Orthodox Christians in Russia were killed for their belief in Jesus Christ.” (Page 18)

  • Title: What Is the Orthodox Church? A Brief Overview of Orthodoxy
  • Author: Marc Dunaway
  • Edition: Second Edition
  • Publisher: Ancient Faith
  • Print Publication Date: 2011
  • Logos Release Date: 2015
  • Pages: 24
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Orthodox Eastern Church
  • ISBNs: 9781936270361, 1936270366
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-03-25T21:08:04Z

Marc Dunaway is archpriest of St. John the Evangelist Cathedral in Eagle River, Alaska.


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  1. Richard



    This short paper tells that the Orthodox Church stayed the same as in the times of Christ. Contrasted with the West, that after the Great Schism, got more and more divided. This is absolutely true, still many different denominations does not mean that these denominations do not hold to the same main points of Christianity held by the apostles. They can be more coherent then the author portays. I missed in this book the explanation of why the Orthodox teachings can be seen as the most genuine way of Christianity.


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