Here you will find all information about the Pointe Coupee 4-H Shooting Sports Program. Please check back regularly for updates on any and all information during the competition season.
Please call the Pointe Coupee 4-H Office (225-638-5533) if you have any questions about the Shooting Sports Program.
You can also check us out our Pointe Coupee Shooting Sports Facebook Page.
In this article:
Current 2020-2021 Shooting Sport Practices |
2021 Shooting Sport Handbook |
Parish Registration Information |
In order to qualify to compete in Southern Regional Shooting Sports Competition you must complete 8 hours of instructional time with our 4-H certified instructor.
Below are the currently scheduled practices.
2020-2021 Shooting Sports Practice Schedule
All shooters must provide their own firearm, ammo, eye, ear, and other required protection equipment. Remember for shotgun the firearm must shoot two consecutive times without reloading and for rifle we only shoot .22 caliber firearms. Please let us know if you have any questions about your firearm or ammo. All firearm, ammo, and protection requirements can also be found in the 2020-2021 Handbook.
Remember due to COVID-19 you must wear a mask at all times, except when you are on the shooting line.
The Pointe Coupee Sheriff's Range is located at the end of Mitchell Lane behind the Pointe Coupee Communication Center (7011 Mitchell Lane, Morganza, LA 70759).
Each year the State Shooting Sports Program puts out a handbook with all rules for the upcoming shooting season. It contains all rules and guidelines for all portions of the State Shooting Sports Program.
This year we are collecting all contact information for our program through an online form. This is the initial part of how you are to get signed up for the Pointe Coupee Shooting Sports Program.
2020 Pointe Coupee Parish Online Registration Form
Once you have completed the online parish registration form, you must complete the following forms and submit to the Pointe Coupee 4-H Office with payment. $25.00 for 1st discipline & $10.00 per each additional discipline.
2020-2021 Youth Code of Conduct
2020-2021 Adult Code of Conduct
Shooting Sports Attendance Agreement Form 2020-2021pdf
Forms and payment made payable to Pointe Coupee 4-H, may be mailed or dropped off at:
180 East Main St., 1st Floor
New Roads, LA 70760
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture