Lube Media – the voice of the European Lubricants Industry
The Lube portfolio – including print, digital, web, social media and events – offers a European perspective on the global lubrication industry. Lube media works in conjunction with Lube magazine and the European Lubrication Industry Directory (ELID).
Industry News
ATIEL releases Code of Practice Issue 25 further to the publication of the ACEA Oil Sequences 2024 for Heavy Duty Vehicles
ATIEL, the Technical Association of the European Lubricants Industry, has released Issue 25 of its Code of Practice, that provides guidelines for the development of engine oils which meet the latest European ACEA specifications.
ACEA 2024 specifications updated the Heavy-Duty Sequences. Published in October 2024 as the successor for the 2022 ACEA Heavy-Duty oil sequences, their most significant change was the introduction of a new engine oil category F01, which has specific viscosity requirements in comparison to E11-24 oil specifications.
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Roadmap for the European Lubricants Industry Conference: Keynote Speaker, Nick Harris, ExxonMobil
Join us and Keynote Speaker Nick Harris (Basestock Sales Director EMEA, ExxonMobil) at the Lube Media Roadmap for the European Lubricants Industry Conference, to discuss the key trends in, and challenges facing, the European Lubricants industry, and how these challenges…
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Lubricants Live – A new podcast for the lubricants industry
Lube Magazine is excited to announce its partnership with The Lubricants Live Podcast; a new industry podcast dedicated to the end-to-end supply chain community in the lubricants industry. Hosted by industry professionals with extensive experience in the industry, the first…
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Digital Exclusives
The Buyer Revolution status report. How the research impacts you and what you can do about it!
“Buyer behaviour in the sales process is changing. According to a recent McKinsey report, the consumerisation of the B2B sales process is complete. Buyers want an omnichannel experience backed by personalisation and…
Hydrogen: Fuel cell or ICE solution?
The race to net zero has been on for some time. Electric vehicles (EVs) were seen as the answer, with OEMs racing to develop hybrid…
In conversation with Dr. Raj Shah, Director, Koehler Instrument Company
Dr. Raj Shah is a Director at Koehler Instrument Company in New York, where he has worked for the last 28 years. He is an…
A sweeping study on Carbon Intensity scores
Carbon intensity scores are pivotal for quantifying the climate-related activities of companies. These scores, established by entities such as the Department of Energy, measure the…