Hey there! You might be familiar with one-point and two-point perspective, but three point perspective drawing is where things really start to get interesting. By adding a third vanishing point, you can create all kinds of dramatic and dynamic effects that will make your art stand out.
Whether you are a complete beginner or a seasoned artist, this post is for you. I’ll walk you through the basics of three-point perspective, show you some cool examples, and give you practical tips to help you get started. So grab your pencils, and let’s jump into it!
Quick reminder: Perspective drawing is a technique used by artists and illustrators to create the illusion of depth and space in their drawings. By using it, objects in the drawing appear to recede into the distance, creating a more lifelike and three-dimensional representation of a scene or object.
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Basics of three Point Perspective
What Is The Difference Between Two Point And Three Point Perspective Drawing ?
In two-point perspective, two vanishing points are used to create the illusion of depth and space. Actually, the vanishing points are located on the horizon line, and all lines that are parallel to each other in the real world will converge to their respective vanishing points in the drawing.
In three-point perspective, three vanishing points are used. Similarly, two vanishing points are placed on the horizon line. While the third vanishing point is located either above or below the horizon line. Eventually, this allows the artist to create the illusion of objects that are both above and below the viewer’s eye level.
Overall, three-point perspective is more complex and can create a more dynamic and dramatic effect, while two-point perspective is simpler and often used for architectural and interior design drawings.
Things To Know About Three Point Perspective Drawing
To create a three point perspective, the first step is to draw a horizon line, which is a horizontal line that represents the eye level of the observer. Next, place two vanishing points on the horizon line, and the third one can be placed above or below.
– The horizon line: sets the eye level of the observer and the position of the vanishing points.
– The vanishing points: are points on the horizon line where any set of lines that are going the same direction as the viewer is looking will meet (they are called orthogonal lines).
– The converging lines: are lines that are parallel to each other that appear to converge to the same vanishing point in the distance.
Getting started with Basic Forms
Even if I want to draw something really complicated and detailed, I always start by ”dividing” it into simple forms such as cubes and cylinders. Moreover, this technique also helps me with the proportions of my drawing.
Eventually, starting with easy shapes is a great way to build a strong foundation in perspective drawing. In fact, it can make the process of drawing more complex objects much easier in the long run.
Once you’ve mastered them, all the details won’t intimidate you!
Drawing Of A Box Using Three Point Perspective
After tracing the horizon line and placing the two vanishing points, place the third one on the ground plane. Now, start by drawing the upper face of the box, as seen in my two vanishing point post. Accordingly, draw the other sides of the box using lines that converge from the corners of the upper face to the third vanishing point. Since following these steps according to my explanations may be complicated, I recommend you to look well at the steps of my drawings.
Easy House Drawing Using A Box In Three Point Perspective
First, let us draw a box as we did before! Draw the diagonals of the box’s two faces to find the roof’s middle points. Then, with the help of converging lines, you can complete the form.
Drawing Of A Cylinder Using Three Point Perspective
If you remember well from the one point perspective post, the easiest way to draw a circle is by using a square. First, draw a square using the two vanishing points.
Then, draw the diagonals and middle lines of this square. Using these lines, you can trace the ellipse. Finally, do the same for the other side of the cylinder. Eventually, you might understand better with these drawings:
Drawing Of A Table Above And Below The Horizon Line
Needless to say, after practicing with shapes, you can try drawing easy objects as this table seen from above and below:
Examples of three point perspective drawing
Three point perspective can be used in a variety of ways to create different effects. For example, it can be used to create a dramatic, birds-eye view of a cityscape or to create a surreal, dreamlike landscape scene. Personally, I love to use it for drawing landmarks buildings and give this dramatic effect.
Tower Bridge
Blue Mosque
Notre Dame De Paris
More Examples Of Three Point Perspective
Here is a collection of additional examples to help you better understand this technique.
– Clock Tower Of Dolmabahce Palace
– PTT Building Istanbul
– Taskisla Istanbul Technical University
– Eiffel Tower Paris
– Hagia Sophia Istanbul
Common mistakes
When using three point perspective, it’s important to be aware of common mistakes in order to avoid them. These can be:
– Incorrect placement of vanishing points. Placing the vanishing points too close together or too far apart can result in a distorted image. Therefore, it’s important to place the vanishing points correctly based on the composition of the drawing.
– Skewed lines: creating lines that are not straight or parallel to each other. Especially, this can happen when not guiding lines correctly before drawing.
– Overcrowding the composition. It can be tempting to include too many elements in a three-point perspective drawing, but this can lead to a cluttered composition that is difficult to read.
– Proportions: Maintaining accurate proportions is essential in creating a believable image in three point perspective.
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That’s it for this post!
In short, three point perspective is a powerful tool for creating realistic and dynamic images. Whether you’re an artist or designer, mastering this technique can help you create more accurate and convincing representations of space and depth in your work. Needless to say, with practice and patience, anyone can learn to master three point perspective and add a new dimension to their drawings and paintings.
Remember to check out the detailed examples of my three point perspective drawing. Let me know if this was helpful! Naturally, you can ask me anything you are wondering on Instagram and check it for more drawings.