
Insights & Opinions… from the MAC4 team.

Back to School Means Back to Basics

The start of a new school year is a great time to remember the basic rules of spelling and grammar.  As a self-proclaimed “Grammar Girl,” nothing irritates me more than receiving newsletters from my child’s school that are filled with typographical, spelling and grammatical errors.  What is the message the school is sending me with this type of communication?  It’s certainly not a good one.  While I realize (sadly), the art of English grammar is dying; it shouldn’t be dying at our schools.

Nor should it die in the corporate world.  Any message a company sends out – by press release, web site, Twitter, Facebook, brochure or letter – should be written well, and that includes spelling and grammar.  Think about the message your customer receives if your (or is it you’re?) communication is not written well (or is it good?).

Your company should present itself as intelligent, eloquent and educated at all times. Writing for different media requires different styles: Internet writing must be short and impactful, while brochure writing and white papers allow for more detailed information.  Good grammar and attention to spelling in all your internal and external outlets can raise your message above the din of others who don’t take the time to craft a message that is impactful and smart.

Take the time to really review your messages before you send them out.  If you’re not sure if your message is on point or correct, hire someone who can do it for you.


Author: Robin Imbesi


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