If you own a Boxer dog, you will know that they are perhaps the most underrated breed of all time.
Yes, they tend to drool when they get a little bit too excited. As any Boxer owner will tell you, they could drool for Australia.
But Boxers are born with an oversupply of cuteness and joy…and despite a name that says “I wanna fight you”, all they actually wanna do is love you.
Here are seven other things all Boxer owners know to be true.
1. They love to dance. With their bums in the air.
Yep. Boxers have a lot of energy.
Their favourite dance moves include a) running around in circles and b) twerking.
Whilst digging for nothing in particular, they like to wiggle their bottoms in the air with their tails furiously wagging. It makes their hearts happy.
Top Comments
My Boxer has been hurt 3 times and never even whimpered. Tough!
Instead of playing fetch, they’d rather play keep away- ours brings back the toy, offers it, pulls it back turns his back and wiggles his butt at us.