Stephanie Davis has revealed pictures after undergoing a hair transplant.
The Hollyoaks actress decided to have the surgery after thinking about it "for many years" and after "periods of stress" in recent years led her to lose her hair, resulting in her wearing wigs and extensions.
Stephanie also said she underwent the procedure at the British Hair Clinic because of her "high forehead".
The 26-year-old, who recently got diagnosed with high functioning autism, recalled "being bullied and called horrible names in school" for her high hairline and that the surgery will help her to feel "more confident".
Steph is now taking a break from her Channel 4 role while she waits for her new hairline to heal and take shape.
The surgery saw thousands of hairs taken out from the back of her head which were then implanted into the new hairline - leaving Steph "over the moon".
But it will be at least another 12 months before she sees the full results.
She has also spoken about her surgery to encourage more women to follow her lead if it's something they want to do.
Steph said: "Hair transplant surgery isn't just for men, women can also have it and it can make a huge difference if done by a good surgeon.
"I've chosen to stay in the UK and have my surgery at the British Hair Clinic after speaking to friends in the media spotlight who had all been treated here."
The mother-of-one recently opened up about being diagnosed with autism in a very honest video blog.
Steph was heavily praised for speaking out about the condition after admitting that "for all my life I've never felt like I've fitted in."
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