Our philosophy encompasses our beliefs about education in early childhood. It highlights our values and practices in our daily interactions with children and families at Manchester Preschool.

At Manchester Preschool we believe that relationships are a fundamental aspect in education. When children and families feel connected to the Kindergarten, learning and development opportunities are maximised. Our aim is to get to know children and families, developing mutual trust and respect so that we can work in partnership to help children reach their full potential.
We respect children as individuals with their own unique personalities, strengths, capacities and interests. Families are a child’s first and most influential teacher, and we value your insight into your child’s learning and development.
At Manchester Preschool, we work hard to integrate respect in all that we do:
- respectful interactions with children, families and each other;
- respect for constructed and natural environments;
- respect for different ways of being, doing and knowing;
- respect for all cultures and traditions.
Our program is guided by the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF).
As Early Childhood professionals, we know that children learn best through open-ended play in a rich, stimulating and supportive environment. We respect children’s choices and decisions, encouraging them to be actively involved in their own learning. At Manchester Preschool we support children to be adventurous risk-takers. The term ‘risk’ indicates something that is possible to negotiate. This is different to the term ‘hazard’, which indicates that something is fundamentally dangerous and needs to be fixed. When children take risks in their play, they are learning to consider safety for themselves and others, explore and test their capabilities, and ultimately become resilient children and adults.