Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) is a commonly used method of production across various industries. Its structural and durable characteristics combined with its cost effectiveness make it a popular choice for low, medium and high scale production runs.

Hand Lay-up

The hand lay-up process is a simple build up of layers on the face of the mould tool. This process works well for relatively simple shapes and tool profile where only one side of the surface needs to be a smooth finish.

For a double sided finish where a split mould is required, two or more moulds are laid up separately and joined together allowing for a 360° ‘A’ surface finish.

This is the preferred method for many of our customers and Marine Concepts have delivered in excess of 10,000 components over the years from large structures such as hulls and decks for yachts, to architectural panels for retail pods.

Marine boat mould production
Resin in marine workshop

Resin Infusion

The resin infusion process is a technique that uses vacuum pressure to drive resin into a laminate. Materials are laid dry into the mould and the vacuum is applied before resin is introduced. Once a complete vacuum is achieved, resin is literally sucked into the laminate via carefully placed tubing.

This method secures a greater consistency and repeatability of the part whilst offering a cleaner process with less material waste.

We have applied this technique for a wide range of composite parts and tooling where it suits the process.


Resin Transfer Moulding is the process in which the resin is injected into a closed moulds (which have already been laid up) and in a similar process to infusion, the resin is sucked through the layers.

This method allows for a consistent manufacture of high volume parts due to faster cure times. The closed mould system also allows a good surface quality on all sides of the part.

Marine Concepts has recently invested in a state of the art CI-Jet One injection machine.

Marine workshop equipment
Boat finishing product options

Carbon Fibre

In addition to fibreglass mouldings we also specialise in the use of the stiffer and more aesthetically pleasing carbon fibre. Whether it is hand lay, infusion or pre-preg, Marine Concepts’ dedicated carbon fibre division ensures your product is built to the highest quality.