Super Mario Land 3 (manga)

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Super Mario Land 3
Super mario comic  3rd issue, based off in mario sports games
Publisher Kodansha
Label KC Deluxe
Artist(s) Kazuki Motoyama
Release date Japan March 17, 1990
<< List of volumes >>

Super Mario Land 3 is the third volume of Kodansha's Super Mario manga published under the KC Deluxe label. Like the previous issue, it is part of the miniseries started by the Super Mario Land manga, but has nothing to do with Super Mario Land or Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3, which was not even developed at the time.

The volume centers around sports games: Golf, Baseball, and Tennis. A chapter based on ice hockey is also included, functioning as a sequel (and conclusion) to the Tetris story arc from the previous issue.


It has been requested that this section be rewritten. Reason: grammar check

Strategy maps[edit]

3だいスポーツゲームこうりゃくとくほう (Three major sports game strategy walkthroughs)


Chapter 1[edit]

Super Mario Land 3's chapter 1 cover

こうりゃくその1 - ゴルフ・JAPANジャパンコースへん (Walkthrough 1 - Golf: Japan Course edition)

Mario and Princess Peach have been invited to the Game Boy Club, the newly founded golf club, not knowing that Bowser, now going as Golf Daiō, is the club owner. Mario and Peach are approached by the club mascot: an anthropomorphic golf club bag called Gorufuman Robo. He explains that the club registration will be free if they win against him in a golf match at the holes 1, 9 and 18 of the Japan Course. While Mario and Peach accept, signing a contract, Golf Daiō (overlooking from a blimp) explains to his Goombas that Gorufuman Robo is a robot that uses the knowledge and physicality of a professional golfer.

On the first hole tee, Gorufuman Robo yells to a caddie to come and hits her when she hands him a club (since he can use the ones he carries). Mario comes to her defense, but Gorufuman Robo shows the girl's, Ayako Okamomo, contract, the same they signed a few minutes ago: if they lose the match with Gorufuman Robo, they will become Golf Daiō's slave for life. He then points to a group of gardeners, also victim of the contract. Mario faces the challenge head-on, while Gorufuman tries to scare him by using its gadgets to determine the best shot, arriving 15 meters from the Green. At Mario's turn, he almost flunks it by sending the ball towards the lake, but lands on the frozen half of it, while Peach takes 6 shots to reach them. Gorufuman's next shot earns him an Eagle, but Mario goes out of bounds. Ayako runs to him and lowers his pants: who makes a penalty gets spanked with a paper fan, and Gorufuman does this to Mario. Peach also gets a penalty when she does not hit the ball in her next swing and, despite going against Golf Daiō's orders to make her an exception, Gorufuman chases her, but Peach falls into the lake, so the robot accepts this as a substitute for the spanking. To avoid more penalties on "his Peach", Golf Daiō turns one of the Goombas in a golf ball and replace it with Peach's. While Mario finishes the hole on his sixth shot, Peach gives her new ball a kiss of encouragement and swings her ball OB, but the lovestrucked Goomba changes its trajectory and lands right in the hole. Hole 1 ends with 2 points for Gorufuman Robo, 6 for Mario, and 8 for Peach.

Hole 9. Since the course is long, Gorufuman tries to cheat his way to victory by using his extendable legs and his super long driver. Mario protests, but when Gorufu stretches his arms for the shot, he rises a gust of wind that causes Peach's skirt to rise. Flustered by the panty shot, Gorufuman flinches and falls, breaking the driver and, much to Mario's joy, gets a penalty. As Mario smacks his bottom, Peach's notices that is strangely human-like. One shot each later, Mario goes looking for his ball. Gorufuman finds it, grabs it, and then release more golf balls on the course: if Mario hits a ball that isn't his, he will get a double penalty. Luckily, Ayako and the gardeners expose the cheater and Gorufuman let the ball slip away from his claws and then calls Golf Daiō to help him. From the blimp, a ray turns the gardeners into living golf carts. During the next shot, a strong wind hinders Mario and Peach, but not Gorufuman. When Mario points it out, the robot blames nature for it, but the golf carts find a giant Fan behind the trees. Without any more cheat to use, Hole 9 ends with 12 point for Gorufuman, 6 for Mario, and 8 for Peach: all of them are at 14 points.

Hole 18. As Gorufuman is about to swing a hole-in-one shot, he gets struck by a lightning and he overshoots the ball in the bunker behind the green. With this lucky advantage, Peach suggest Mario to use a Super Shot to seal the match and they both score a hole-in-one. As Mario and Peach jubilee, the golf carts return to their normal form and Gorufuman's suit goes down in pieces, revealing professional golfer Masashi Ozaki brainwashed inside, who runs off to a tournament he is late to. Furious, Golf Daiō descends from his blimp to challenge Mario to another golf match.

Chapter 2[edit]

Super Mario Land 3's chapter 2 cover

こうりゃくその2 - ゴルフ・U.S.A.ユーエスエーコースへん (Walkthrough 2 - Golf: U.S.A. Course edition)

Golf Daiō challenges Mario to another golf match, but due to his ridiculous costume, everybody leaves ashamed for him. Furious, Golf Daiō zaps Peach, turning her into a new Gorufuman Robo (Peach Robo) and the former gardeners into Wester cartoons characters. If Mario wants them all to return to normal, he will have to face him on three holes in the U.S.A. courses. Mario accepts and, after Peach Robo decides to be Mario's caddie, and forcing Ayako to be Golf Daiō's, they reach the Hole 2. Golf Daiō makes a hole-in-one, while Mario, thanks to Peach Robo's configurations that aid Golf Daiō, against her human will, uses the wrong club and makes in two shots.

Hole 5. Mario is hindered by the trees surrounding the hole, but with a good shot, he manages to chip-in in just two holes, while Golf Daiō lands in a bunker and get in the hole in three shots, evening the score. To ensure his victory, Golf Daiō takes Mario to the special hole, the 19th: the course is shaped like a minimap of the United States of America, starting West from the Hawaii, the course includes the Arizona's mountains, then the Great Lakes, finally New York, where the green is located.

Mario's first swing sends him to the Hawaii mini-island, where he gets distracted by the hula-girls, while Golf Daiō skips the island and lands in the Arizona area. Mario takes another shot and Peach Robo, short-circuiting between her loyalty for Golf Daiō and her jealousy in seeing Mario flirting with the hula-girls, accidentally passes him a better club that makes him go over the Arizona area. Golf Daiō's next swing makes him dunk the ball in the Great Lakes area, but thanks to the rotational force, the ball back-rolls on dryland, much to Mario's shock. Trying to take advantage of this, Mario taunts Golf Daiō that he cannot replicate that shot, so he executes a super backspin so powerful that, after landing on the green, the ball back-rolls out with such force that it leaves a furrow.

Using the furrow, Mario arrives at the green, but Golf Daiō uses his powers to create a bump that rolls Mario's ball to the nearby Niagara Falls area. As Golf Daiō recalibrates his clubs, Mario finds his ball in the shallow ends, but seeing as he is on a lower ground from the green, he needs his caddie to flag him the right position to shoot. Peach Robo refuses, but Ayako pleads her mechanical half to do the right thing. Angry, Golf Daiō swings the balls against her, wasting a shot. As the crowd of spectators rejoices at this mistake, Mario use their voices to swing the ball towards them, returning to the green.

Worried that if Mario scores in the next shot he will lose, Golf Daiō uses his powers again by raising the Statue of Liberty right under the patch of land where Mario, his ball, and Ayako are standing. To worsen the situation, Golf Daiō starts flying and rises a strong wind and a thick fog. Mario and Ayako pleads Peach Robo to flag them the position of the hole to attempt a shot. This makes the robotic part of Peach Robo question why the one she mistreated and hindered are asking for her help, short-circuiting her so much that Peach is now freed from the costume and flags down the hole by the Empire State Building. Worried, Golf Daiō tries to crash against Mario, but he executes a "Super Mario Shot" that perforates his costume, blowing him up, while the ball bounces off the blimp and finally lands in the hole, winning the match. Everybody returns to normal, while Luigi arrives at the Game Boy Club and asks Mario to do a friendly match, but he shows off his skill by claiming he won't be able to win against the guy that beat the King of Golf. As Ayako and the others laugh, Peach gives Luigi a safe registration contract.

Chapter 3[edit]

Super Mario Land 3's chapter 3 cover

こうりゃくその3 - アイスホッケーテトリスへん (Walkthrough 3 - Ice Hockey Tetris edition)

Peach is having tea at Mario and Luigi's house, when the Aurora Borealis appears in the sky and the figures of King Tetris and the Tettoman appear. The King challenges Mario to another rematch on Tetris Island and if he wins, he will get both his mask and "the secrets of Tetris book". The King then disappears, asking him to prepare himself for some ice hockey, then a tower of Tetriminos rises under the house, making the three occupants fall down. Taking some hockey sticks and ice skates, the trio takes the Marine Pop and goes to face King Tetris. However, they are unaware where Tetris Island is, but luckily for them, a baby whale named Chanchako knows the locations, seeing as his mother was trapped in the island's ice by King Tetris and he needs help in rescuing her. Mario follows him and arrives to the icy Tetris Island, where King Tetris and his army of Polar Bears are waiting them.

As Mario and his friends step foot on the island, they find themselves on an ice rink with King Tetris tossing giant Tetriminos as hockey pucks at them, calling it "Ice Hockey Tetris". With Luigi not knowing the rules of ice hockey and Peach not being good at ice-skating, they find themselves trapped between the blocks and the wall. Mario quickly figures that, just like in Type B Tetris, he needs to fill the rows with the Tetriminos to clear them, but then King Tetris tosses a four J-Tetriminos in a svastica formation, trapping him also. As King Tetris retreats in victory while the polar bears throws the remaining Tetriminos, Chanchako emerges from the ice under Mario to make him leap over the blocks with his blowhole. With the incoming Tetriminos, Mario clears the rows and frees his friends.

Happy, Peach and Luigi slides towards Mario, but he hugs only the princess, leaving his brother to bounce all over the arena, unable to stop. King Tetris tries to flee, but Chankchako jumps at him and bites his leg, ordering to tell him where his mother is. Two of the polar bears, to calm the situation, breaks the ice rink off the island and then go to take care of the baby whale. Now a big jump separates the heroes from the island, but using Luigi, still sliding around, Peach and Mario grabs onto him when he slides towards the gorge, making the jump and saving Chanchako from the bears.

Cornered, King Tetris offers one last challenge: from the icy mountains, Tetriminos will fall, the team that can score them more into their own adjacent goals win, with the goals being like screens from a multiplayer Tetris game. Mario's team takes a big lead in the first minutes, forcing King Tetris to use a clone technique on the bears he has on the field to even the scores, but Peach notices that the other bears that were spectating have disappeared: they are faking to be ninja clones and are cheating their way to victory. King Tetris confirms their suspicions but makes the mistake of revealing that his bears are actually Tetris Ningen in polar bear costumes. With this newfound knowledge, Mario team shoots them inside their goal, clearing enough rows to fill King Tetris' screen and winning the match. The island starts to melt, revealing Chanchako's mother inside the ice. Now free, the whale shoots King Tetris in the air and, as he disappears into the horizon, his masks falls and Mario takes it and inside finds the book he was promised: a copy of the Super Mario Land 2 manga. Satisfied with it, Mario, Luigi, and Peach return to mainland saying goodbye to Chanchako and his mother.

Chapter 4[edit]

Super Mario Land 3's chapter 4 cover

こうりやくその4 - ベースボールへん (Walkthrough 4 - Baseball edition)

Today at the Mushroom School is the day the seat are going to be reassigned and everybody are fighting to be the first one to get the seat next to Peach, to the point that Mario trips Luigi against Jakkī's, their pet dog, doghouse, destroying it. As soon as Peach opens the school gates, a sea of Toads (and Mario and Luigi) storms in, only to realize that Peach chose the only one that tended to her after she almost got run over by them as her desk mate: Jakkī. But Bowser storms into the classroom and claims the seat next to Peach with his force. Not accepting his violent ways, Peach declares that they will have to earn the spot with a challenge. She then proceeds, with Boom Boom's help, to make everyone skip the rope: last one standing wins. Bowser stops it immediately, screaming that he will accept a more virile challenge and after asking the other students who is willing to fight him, Mario, Luigi, Jakkī, and six other Toads step forward. Seeing this, Mario suggest settling this with a baseball match, to which Bowser accepts, calling Morton, Wendy, Ludwig, Iggy, a Goomba, a Lakitu, a Spike, and a Sledge Brother to form his team.

At the game, presented by Peach and her father, Mario goes first as the pitcher. Using his Fire form, Mario throws a ball engulfed in flames, but with Bowser at the hitter, he uses his fire breath to make it more fiery before hitting it. Luigi, thanks to a Frog Suit and a Note Block catches the ball, but the ball has incinerated and the catch is not valid, so Bowser scores a point for his team. Next as the hitter is the Sledge Brother, with a bat so big, he just lays it to the ground and the pitched ball bounces off it, then, by just walking, he shakes the ground, tripping the entire rival team when they try to catch the ball. Even the next hitter, the Goomba, stomps all over them (literally) thanks to its boot. In the end, the Koopa Team has scored 19 points. As Mario collapses to the ground in desperation, he uncovers a ? Block under the dirt and gets a Hammer Suit from it. Using the hammers instead of the balls, he manages to out Iggy, Ludwig, and Wendy.

The team switches and, with Spike as the pitcher, Jakkī goes first on the bat: he almost scores a home run, but the ball lands on Sledge Brother's leaking nostril. Jakkī is not only out, but the ball covered in snot is tossed right in his head. Luigi is next as the hitter and after a good short swing, he protects himself from Lakitu's defense (which involves throwing Spinies) with the Statue form of his Tanooki Suit. However, Luigi trips on a hole created by a Rocky Wrench, but he retorts by using a Music Box, sending all enemies to sleep, except for Bowser, that stops him from scoring a point by squashing him. Team Mario is in distraught, but to everyone's surprise, Peach goes as the next. At this, Bowser switches places with Spike and intentionally pitches a slow ball and then order the others to not out her, in order to appear good in her eyes. Team Mario captures a base. The next two Toads get a base on balls each thanks to their short height, and two more bases are conquered.

Next up is Mario, and for him, Bowser uses a special technique that seems to duplicate the ball. Mario gets two strikes thanks to this tactic, but notices the Toads behind the catcher unconscious and surrounded by balls: it was not a technique, Bowser just tossed five balls at once. So Mario resorts in using a Super Leaf and using his Raccoon tail to hit the balls, scoring five home runs and, with the fact that all the bases were occupied, the grand slam is counted for each ball: Team Mario scores 20 points, winning the match. It seems like Bowser is not going to seat next to Peach, but now which of the nine members of Team Mario will? The dispute is yet unresolved.

Chapter 5[edit]

こうりやくその5 - テニスへん (Walkthrough 5 - Tennis edition)

Mario and Peach are taking place in the audience to see a tennis match, presented by the author of the manga, but all the competitors run away in fear when Bowser and Tatanga join the competition. With the withdrawal of the rivals, Bowser demands for the 100'000 yen prize. Hearing that, Peach decides to participate with Mario and win the money prize, but he claims he never played tennis, but Peach simply asks him if he knows the rules, and with a positive answer from Mario, she takes him on the court. The game starts with Peach servicing, to which she dons a maid outfit to serve coffee. When Mario asks her if she knows the rules, she answers that he was supposed to tell her, that why he picked him.

Bowser then serves, and scared by the ball speed, Peach let her racket go, so Mario grabs it and, dual wielding, hits the ball back. Bowser and Tatanga copy his strategy, so Mario resorts to attack three more rackets to his head and feet to counter them. Peach is in distraught, stating she is just hindering Mario, but he finds a use for her: jumping off her back, Mario gains height and smash the ball so hard on the rival size that it goes into pieces. Scared by such strength, Bowser and Tanaga forfeit and Peach and Mario win the match. They go to retrieve the prize, but discovering that is just a bronze statue of the author, they smash it on the announcer's head and storm off, claiming only pathetic people would want such ugly prize.


Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning Notes
Japanese スーパーマリオランド 3[1]
Sūpā Mario Rando 3
Super Mario Land 3


A precursor of the Breath Swing
The Breath Swing precursor
  • The gardener-slaves of the Golf chapters are all protagonists of various Japanese manga (such as Hulk Hogan from Yappa! Ahogan Yo). When Bowser changes the course to the U.S.A. version, all of them are changed in protagonist of American media characters (such as Fred Flintstone, Batman, Superman, Casper, Popeye, and E.T.).
  • When Bowser goes as the hitter, he executes a move that he will later use as a Star Swing in Mario Super Sluggers: the Breath Swing.
