The Exchange Volume indicators are the result of technical analysis based on the combined volume of all stocks in particular exchanges. To give you signals of market change as easy understandable charts, we analyze - in real time - over 11,000 stocks on the NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX exchanges.
We are confident that our Exchange Volume Indicators will give you that extra information you need to make profitable trading decisions. One can see from our MV JavaVolume® charts, not only long-term support and resistance levels, but short- and medium-term levels as well.
Want a simpler life? - Get a simple indicator!
With our JavaVolume® charts you do not need the expertise of a market analyst in order to interpret our indicators. When our indicator shows something, it sticks out like a sore thumb, you can't miss it!
We are confident that by using the indicators provided by us you will profit by getting in and out of the market with remarkable precision.