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Why Trust MarketWatch Guides

At MarketWatch Guides, we aim to help readers make informed decisions about how to spend and save their money. We spend hundreds of hours researching the products and services we cover and recommend multiple reliable companies in each category, allowing consumers to choose the brand that is right for their situation. Our key principles are below.

  • Consumer-First Reviews: When writing reviews, we start by putting ourselves in the consumers’ shoes and asking, “What do I want or need to know about this? What are the most important factors to consider? What will help me decide whether this product or service will be right for me?” We then learn about the consumer experience through surveys, asking how satisfied people are with their current providers, what they consider when making purchasing decisions and more.
  • Firsthand Experience: Although it can be difficult to test certain products or services (such as life insurance, for example), we strive to gather as much firsthand experience as possible to inform our content. Whether that’s going on a ride-along with a solar energy company or mystery shopping a car warranty company by phone to evaluate the quote process, we aim to give readers an authentic view of any product or service we review.
  • Expert Verification: We work with a network of experts to gain industry-specific insights, from veterinarians weighing in on pet health care to insurance agents giving advice on how to shop for home and auto coverage. This ensures our readers get insider knowledge to help with their purchasing decisions.
  • Accuracy, Transparency and Fairness: Our reviews are independent of our commercial partnerships, and we rate brands fairly and without consideration of monetization. We always disclose when we may be earning a commission on an article.