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Heart Journey, a Spiritual Path

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There was a firewalking lecture and experience near my home. It was clear to me that I needed to attend though I was not convinced that I wanted to firewalk. Before we went into the lecture, we were shown a cord of wood, fifteen feet long and five feet high. It was set on fire and allowed to burn down during the lecture. While sitting in the lecture for the next two hours, I saw a bird flying back and forth in the rafters of the building. I kept thinking, "I do not want to be trapped and limited like that bird. I need to free my thinking, my beliefs, and ultimately my life."

When we came out after the lecture, the coals were spread out over a fifteen foot path. As we formed a circle around the coals, you could feel the heat and see the glow. I know there is some controversy regarding whether or not the coals are really hot or can actually burn you, but logic says you should be able to feel something! Before I walked, I made a plea to God and the Universe.

"Please, do not let me get burned. I do not want my feet to get blistered walking over the coals. In fact, I do not want to even feel the heat of the coals under my feet. I wish to ride on a cushion of air, never touching the lumps of coals at all."

This was my request to God and the Universe. I trusted that it would be so. Halfway down the fire pit, I discovered to my shock that I actually could not feel the coals under my feet. I looked down. I could see the solid, fat, glowing chunks I was stepping on. I could hear them crunch, but only felt softness as I walked the length of the fire pit. I remember thinking how amazing this was.

Excerpt from Heart Journey

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