AMHERST - It will cost twice as much to park in town at most of the metered spaces and most town lots, although the date the changes will take effect have not yet been set.
The hike from 50 cents to $1 per hour will affect 434 spaces at downtown meters and lots.
Parking will remain at 50 cents at 299 spaces, including spaces in the lot next to CVS.
Most downtown meters will soon have a two-hour limit as will some surface parking lots.
Meters outside of the immediate downtown area will have a four-hour limit with the exception of the CVS lot which will allow 8-hour parking.
"The Downtown Parking Working Group would like to encourage turnover of parking spaces in the highly used and visible areas, which include on-street spaces on Amity, North Pleasant, Main and South Pleasant streets" as well as some parking lots, according to a memo sent to the Select Board urging support for the changes.
The Downtown Parking Working Group has been tweaking its initial recommendations after listening to concerns from residents and town officials.
Initially, the $1 per hour rate would have applied to more than 600 spaces in the downtown "core" area, but the group reduced that to the 434.
In addition, parking enforcement at the meters and lots will be in effect from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. except for the lot next to CVS. Enforcement there and in the outer areas will remain from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
"By keeping the enforcement hours until 8 p.m., it will discourage meter feeding by employees who may take these prime spaces, and it is intended to encourage people who need to use the meter for a longer period of time to use spaces on the periphery," according to the memo.
Town Manager Paul Bockelman said he wasn't sure when the rate hikes will go into effect.
The town will be putting in new signs to help people understand the changes.
DWPG Amended Cores-Times and Rates by ledermand on Scribd