Appearing on ESPN’s SportsCenter, Wednesday, Antonio Brown’s agent Drew Rosenhaus revealed Brown knew a lawsuit could be coming.
Brown, who signed with the Patriots Monday is being sued by his former trainer for sexual assault.
“Antonio and I have been unfortunately anticipating this possibility,” the veteran agent said.
Rosenhaus offered a full-throated defense of his client.
“Antonio takes these allegations very seriously. He’s a loving father of five children, including a daughter," Rosenhaus said. "I, myself am a father and I have two daughters who I love very much including my wife. I wouldn’t be doing this interview if I didn’t believe Antonio. These allegations are false. He denies everyone of them. I’m very confident his legal team has facts that will prove this.
“All we can ask for is that people keep in mind that this is a civil matter,” Rosenhaus continued. “This is not a criminal matter. This is a civil case right now. I’ve been an NFL agent for 30 years. My concern is that people judge Antonio without knowing the facts.”
Brown is expected to practice for the first time as a Patriot today.