Featured Products
EDIC Saturn™ High Speed Burnisher - 20", 2000 RPM
IPC Eagle CT40B50OBCB115 Brush Drive Scrubber - 20" Brush, 115AH
McCalla Super Quick Strip Floor Stripper - Gal.
NCL® Bare Bones No-Rinse/No-Scrub Liquifying Stripper-Gal
NCL® Brite Eyes Wet Look Floor Finish - 5 Gal.
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Your Training Resource: COMING SOON
We are your training resource for the most up-to-date cleaning information on building maintenance, assisted living and schools. We understand and follow the latest CDC requirements. We have many different ways to train you and your team to meet all your needs.
- Downloadable PDFS
- Training Modules
- Videos
- Customized On-Site Training
Training Subjects:
- Floor Care
- CDC Requirements
- Sanitizing and Disinfecting
- Cleaning with Colors
- Restoration
- Assisted Living Facilities
- Schools and Universities