IDAF: Iterative Dual-Scale Attentional Fusion Network for Automatic Modulation Recognition
:1. Introduction
- We propose a deep learning method based on iterative dual-scale attentional fusion (iDAF), which complements the properties and complementarity of multimodal information with each other to achieve better recognition.
- We design two embedding layers to extract the local and global information, extracting information that promotes recognition from different-sized respective fields. The extracted features are sent into the iterative dual-channel attention module (iDCAM), which consists of the local and global branch. The branches respectively focus on the details of the high-level features and the variability across modalities.
- Experiments on the RML2016.10A dataset demonstrate the validity and rationalization of iDAF. The highest accuracy amount of 93.5% is achieved at 10 dB and the recognition accuracy is 0.6232 at full SNR.
2. Related works
2.1. Research on Traditional AMR Methods
2.2. Study of Different Inputs and DL-Models
3. The Proposed Method
3.1. Data Preprocessing
- In-phase/orthogonal (IQ): Generally, the receiver stores the signal in the modality of I/Q to facilitate mathematical operation and hardware design, which is expressed as follows:
- Amplitude/phas (AP): The instantaneous amplitude and phase of the signal are calculated, expressed as:
- Spectrum (SP): The spectrum expresses the change of frequency over time, which is an important discrimination of different modulations. The calculation of the spectrum is expressed as:
3.2. Iterative Dual-Scale Attentional Fusion Fusion (iDAF)
3.2.1. Data Embedding
3.2.2. Dual-Scale Channel Attention Module
- (1)
- Passing through the encoder.
- (2)
- Construct the global channel attention matrix.
- (3)
- Matrix multiplication between the attention matrix and the original features.
3.2.3. Iterative Dual-Channel Attention Module (iDCAM)
Algorithm 1 IDAF |
3.2.4. Cross-Self-Attention Encoder
4. Experiment Results and Discussion
4.1. Datasets and Implemented Details
4.1.1. Datasets and Implemented Details
4.1.2. Evaluation Metrics
4.2. Comparative Validity Experiments
4.2.1. Comparison with Uni-Modal and Other AMR Networks
4.2.2. Comparison of iDCAM and Other Attention Mechanisms
4.2.3. Comparison with State-of-Art DL-AMR Methods
4.3. Ablation Studies
4.3.1. Ablation Experiments at Different Scales with DCAM
4.3.2. Ablation Experiments with Iterative Layers of iDCAM
4.4. Limitations and Constraints
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Domains | Models | Effects |
I/Q | CNN combined with Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) [13], a combined CNN scheme [21] | Achieves high recognition of PAM4 at low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) |
A/P | Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) [16], a LSTM denoising auto-encoder [14] | Well recognize AM-SSB, and distinguish between QAM16 and QAM64 [22] |
Spectrum | RSBU-CW with Welch spectrum, square spectrum, and fourth power spectrum [23]; SCNN [18] with the short-time Fourier transform (STFT), a fine-tuned CNN model [17] with smooth pseudo-Wigner–Ville distribution and Born–Jordan distribution | Achieves high accuracy of PSK [23], recognizes OFDM well, which is revealed only in the spectrum domain due to its plentiful sub-carriers [17] |
Name | taskA | taskB |
Direct aggregation on X | SENet [26] | |
Aggregation after Slicing | FcaNet [32] | |
Direct aggregation on Y | PAN [33] | |
Gated multiple units | DABERT [34] | |
Balanced weighting | SKNet [35] | |
Iterative balanced weighting | iDAF |
Dataset Content | Parameter Information |
Software platform | GNUradio+Python |
Data type and shape | I/Q (in-phase/orthogonal), 2 × 128 |
Modulations | 8 digital modulations: 8PSK, BPSK, CPFSK, GFSK, PAM4, 16QAM, 64QAM, QPSK; 3 analog modulations: AM-DSB, AM-SSB, WBFM |
Sample size | Each modulation has 2000 signal samples for a total of 220,000 |
Signal-to-noise ratio | 2dB intervals from −20 dB to 18 dB |
Channel environment | Additive White Gaussian Noise, Sample Rate Offset (SRO), Rician, Rayleigh, Center Frequency Offset (CFO) |
Sample rate | 200 kHz |
Sample rate offset standard deviation | 0.01 Hz |
Model | Accuracy | Params (M) |
SENet-ResNet18 | 0.6032 | 11.9 |
SKNet-50 | 0.5994 | 27.6 |
CBAM-ResNeXt50 | 0.6082 | 27.8 |
Self-attention | 0.618 | 63.5 |
BAM-Resnet-50 | 0.6038 | 24.7 |
FcsNet | 0.6069 | 37.4 |
iDCAM | 0.6232 | 6.9 |
Model | Accuracy | Top1-Acc (Average) | F1 Score (Average) | FLOPS | Train Epochs |
GRU | 0.5374 | 72.9% | 56.3% | 89,531 | 10 |
DAE | 0.5632 | 75.7% | 59.8% | 67,682 | 9 |
CLDNN | 0.5982 | 76.3% | 61.1% | 0.7 G | 11 |
MCLDNN | 0.618 | 79.4% | 64.2% | 8.4 G | 21 |
HKDD [49] | 0.6094 | 77.6% | 62.7% | 21.7 G | 38 |
MLDNN [11] | 0.6106 | 78.5% | 63.2% | 36.7 G | 45 |
iDAF | 0.6232 | 80.5% | 65.4% | 10.9 G | 34 |
Model | Accuracy | Top1-Acc (Average) | F1 (Average) |
GRU | 0.5732 | 75.3% | 60.3% |
DAE | 0.5994 | 76.2% | 62.2% |
CLDNN | 0.6082 | 77.1% | 62.6% |
MCLDNN | 0.6314 | 80.8% | 65.9% |
HKDD | 0.6198 | 78.2% | 64.1% |
MLDNN | 0.6226 | 80.4% | 64.8% |
iDCAM | 0.6483 | 81.2% | 66.7% |
Architectures | Recognition Accuracy | FLOPs (G) |
Local | 0.618 | 10.1 |
Global | 0.6081 | / |
Dual-local | 0.6192 | 20.2 |
Dual-global | 0.6104 | / |
Local-global | 0.6232 | 10.9 |
Iterations K | One-Layer | Two-Layer | Three-Layer | Four-Layer |
Accuracy | 0.6194 | 0.6232 | 0.6204 | 0.6181 |
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Liu, B.; Ge, R.; Zhu, Y.; Zhang, B.; Zhang, X.; Bao, Y. IDAF: Iterative Dual-Scale Attentional Fusion Network for Automatic Modulation Recognition. Sensors 2023, 23, 8134.
Liu B, Ge R, Zhu Y, Zhang B, Zhang X, Bao Y. IDAF: Iterative Dual-Scale Attentional Fusion Network for Automatic Modulation Recognition. Sensors. 2023; 23(19):8134.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Bohan, Ruixing Ge, Yuxuan Zhu, Bolin Zhang, Xiaokai Zhang, and Yanfei Bao. 2023. "IDAF: Iterative Dual-Scale Attentional Fusion Network for Automatic Modulation Recognition" Sensors 23, no. 19: 8134.
APA StyleLiu, B., Ge, R., Zhu, Y., Zhang, B., Zhang, X., & Bao, Y. (2023). IDAF: Iterative Dual-Scale Attentional Fusion Network for Automatic Modulation Recognition. Sensors, 23(19), 8134.