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Keywords = neutrosophic triplet group

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20 pages, 1424 KiB  
A Kind of Variation Symmetry: Tarski Associative Groupoids (TA-Groupoids) and Tarski Associative Neutrosophic Extended Triplet Groupoids (TA-NET-Groupoids)
by Xiaohong Zhang, Wangtao Yuan, Mingming Chen and Florentin Smarandache
Symmetry 2020, 12(5), 714; - 2 May 2020
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2160
The associative law reflects symmetry of operation, and other various variation associative laws reflect some generalized symmetries. In this paper, based on numerous literature and related topics such as function equation, non-associative groupoid and non-associative ring, we have introduced a new concept of [...] Read more.
The associative law reflects symmetry of operation, and other various variation associative laws reflect some generalized symmetries. In this paper, based on numerous literature and related topics such as function equation, non-associative groupoid and non-associative ring, we have introduced a new concept of Tarski associative groupoid (or transposition associative groupoid (TA-groupoid)), presented extensive examples, obtained basic properties and structural characteristics, and discussed the relationships among few non-associative groupoids. Moreover, we proposed a new concept of Tarski associative neutrosophic extended triplet groupoid (TA-NET-groupoid) and analyzed related properties. Finally, the following important result is proved: every TA-NET-groupoid is a disjoint union of some groups which are its subgroups. Full article
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21 pages, 454 KiB  
Regular CA-Groupoids and Cyclic Associative Neutrosophic Extended Triplet Groupoids (CA-NET-Groupoids) with Green Relations
by Wangtao Yuan and Xiaohong Zhang
Mathematics 2020, 8(2), 204; - 6 Feb 2020
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 2078
Based on the theories of AG-groupoid, neutrosophic extended triplet (NET) and semigroup, the characteristics of regular cyclic associative groupoids (CA-groupoids) and cyclic associative neutrosophic extended triplet groupoids (CA-NET-groupoids) are further studied, and some important results are obtained. In particular, the following conclusions are [...] Read more.
Based on the theories of AG-groupoid, neutrosophic extended triplet (NET) and semigroup, the characteristics of regular cyclic associative groupoids (CA-groupoids) and cyclic associative neutrosophic extended triplet groupoids (CA-NET-groupoids) are further studied, and some important results are obtained. In particular, the following conclusions are strictly proved: (1) an algebraic system is a regular CA-groupoid if and only if it is a CA-NET-groupoid; (2) if (S, *) is a regular CA-groupoid, then every element of S lies in a subgroup of S, and every -class in S is a group; and (3) an algebraic system is an inverse CA-groupoid if and only if it is a regular CA-groupoid and its idempotent elements are commutative. Moreover, the Green relations of CA-groupoids are investigated, and some examples are presented for studying the structure of regular CA-groupoids. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Challenges in Neutrosophic Theory and Applications)
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13 pages, 744 KiB  
New Results on Neutrosophic Extended Triplet Groups Equipped with a Partial Order
by Xin Zhou, Ping Li, Florentin Smarandache and Ahmed Mostafa Khalil
Symmetry 2019, 11(12), 1514; - 13 Dec 2019
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 2562
Neutrosophic extended triplet group (NETG) is a novel algebra structure and it is different from the classical group. The major concern of this paper is to present the concept of a partially ordered neutrosophic extended triplet group (po-NETG), which is a NETG equipped [...] Read more.
Neutrosophic extended triplet group (NETG) is a novel algebra structure and it is different from the classical group. The major concern of this paper is to present the concept of a partially ordered neutrosophic extended triplet group (po-NETG), which is a NETG equipped with a partial order that relates to its multiplicative operation, and consider properties and structure features of po-NETGs. Firstly, in a po-NETG, we propose the concepts of the positive cone and negative cone, and investigate the structure features of them. Secondly, we study the specificity of the positive cone in a partially ordered weak commutative neutrosophic extended triplet group (po-WCNETG). Finally, we introduce the concept of a po-NETG homomorphism between two po-NETGs, construct a po-NETG on a quotient set by providing a multiplication and a partial order, then we discuss some fundamental properties of them. Full article
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20 pages, 286 KiB  
Generalized Abel-Grassmann’s Neutrosophic Extended Triplet Loop
by Xiaogang An, Xiaohong Zhang and Yingcang Ma
Mathematics 2019, 7(12), 1206; - 9 Dec 2019
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 1828
A group is an algebraic system that characterizes symmetry. As a generalization of the concept of a group, semigroups and various non-associative groupoids can be considered as algebraic abstractions of generalized symmetry. In this paper, the notion of generalized Abel-Grassmann’s neutrosophic extended triplet [...] Read more.
A group is an algebraic system that characterizes symmetry. As a generalization of the concept of a group, semigroups and various non-associative groupoids can be considered as algebraic abstractions of generalized symmetry. In this paper, the notion of generalized Abel-Grassmann’s neutrosophic extended triplet loop (GAG-NET-Loop) is proposed and some properties are discussed. In particular, the following conclusions are strictly proved: (1) an algebraic system is an AG-NET-Loop if and only if it is a strong inverse AG-groupoid; (2) an algebraic system is a GAG-NET-Loop if and only if it is a quasi strong inverse AG-groupoid; (3) an algebraic system is a weak commutative GAG-NET-Loop if and only if it is a quasi Clifford AG-groupoid; and (4) a finite interlaced AG-(l,l)-Loop is a strong AG-(l,l)-Loop. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Challenges in Neutrosophic Theory and Applications)
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15 pages, 806 KiB  
The Structure of Idempotents in Neutrosophic Rings and Neutrosophic Quadruple Rings
by Yingcang Ma, Xiaohong Zhang, Florentin Smarandache and Juanjuan Zhang
Symmetry 2019, 11(10), 1254; - 8 Oct 2019
Cited by 15 | Viewed by 2113
This paper aims to reveal the structure of idempotents in neutrosophic rings and neutrosophic quadruple rings. First, all idempotents in neutrosophic rings R I are given when R is C , R , Q , Z or Z n . [...] Read more.
This paper aims to reveal the structure of idempotents in neutrosophic rings and neutrosophic quadruple rings. First, all idempotents in neutrosophic rings R I are given when R is C , R , Q , Z or Z n . Secondly, the neutrosophic quadruple ring R T I F is introduced and all idempotents in neutrosophic quadruple rings C T I F , R T I F , Q T I F , Z T I F and Z n T I F are also given. Furthermore, the algorithms for solving the idempotents in Z n I and Z n T I F for each nonnegative integer n are provided. Lastly, as a general result, if all idempotents in any ring R are known, then the structure of idempotents in neutrosophic ring R I and neutrosophic quadruple ring R T I F can be determined. Full article
18 pages, 2910 KiB  
Symmetry in Hyperstructure: Neutrosophic Extended Triplet Semihypergroups and Regular Hypergroups
by Xiaohong Zhang, Florentin Smarandache and Yingcang Ma
Symmetry 2019, 11(10), 1217; - 1 Oct 2019
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 2004
The symmetry of hyperoperation is expressed by hypergroup, more extensive hyperalgebraic structures than hypergroups are studied in this paper. The new concepts of neutrosophic extended triplet semihypergroup (NET- semihypergroup) and neutrosophic extended triplet hypergroup (NET-hypergroup) are firstly introduced, some basic properties are obtained, [...] Read more.
The symmetry of hyperoperation is expressed by hypergroup, more extensive hyperalgebraic structures than hypergroups are studied in this paper. The new concepts of neutrosophic extended triplet semihypergroup (NET- semihypergroup) and neutrosophic extended triplet hypergroup (NET-hypergroup) are firstly introduced, some basic properties are obtained, and the relationships among NET- semihypergroups, regular semihypergroups, NET-hypergroups and regular hypergroups are systematically are investigated. Moreover, pure NET-semihypergroup and pure NET-hypergroup are investigated, and a strucuture theorem of commutative pure NET-semihypergroup is established. Finally, a new notion of weak commutative NET-semihypergroup is proposed, some important examples are obtained by software MATLAB, and the following important result is proved: every pure and weak commutative NET-semihypergroup is a disjoint union of some regular hypergroups which are its subhypergroups. Full article
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13 pages, 300 KiB  
Study on the Algebraic Structure of Refined Neutrosophic Numbers
by Qiaoyan Li, Yingcang Ma, Xiaohong Zhang and Juanjuan Zhang
Symmetry 2019, 11(8), 954; - 27 Jul 2019
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2351
This paper aims to explore the algebra structure of refined neutrosophic numbers. Firstly, the algebra structure of neutrosophic quadruple numbers on a general field is studied. Secondly, The addition operator ⊕ and multiplication operator ⊗ on refined neutrosophic numbers are proposed and the [...] Read more.
This paper aims to explore the algebra structure of refined neutrosophic numbers. Firstly, the algebra structure of neutrosophic quadruple numbers on a general field is studied. Secondly, The addition operator ⊕ and multiplication operator ⊗ on refined neutrosophic numbers are proposed and the algebra structure is discussed. We reveal that the set of neutrosophic refined numbers with an additive operation is an abelian group and the set of neutrosophic refined numbers with a multiplication operation is a neutrosophic extended triplet group. Moreover, algorithms for solving the neutral element and opposite elements of each refined neutrosophic number are given. Full article
9 pages, 731 KiB  
Neutrosophic Triplets in Neutrosophic Rings
by Vasantha Kandasamy W. B., Ilanthenral Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache
Mathematics 2019, 7(6), 563; - 20 Jun 2019
Cited by 14 | Viewed by 2796
The neutrosophic triplets in neutrosophic rings Q I and R I are investigated in this paper. However, non-trivial neutrosophic triplets are not found in Z I . In the neutrosophic ring of integers [...] Read more.
The neutrosophic triplets in neutrosophic rings Q I and R I are investigated in this paper. However, non-trivial neutrosophic triplets are not found in Z I . In the neutrosophic ring of integers Z \ { 0 , 1 } , no element has inverse in Z. It is proved that these rings can contain only three types of neutrosophic triplets, these collections are distinct, and these collections form a torsion free abelian group as triplets under component wise product. However, these collections are not even closed under component wise addition. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Challenges in Neutrosophic Theory and Applications)
15 pages, 462 KiB  
Neutrosophic Extended Triplet Group Based on Neutrosophic Quadruple Numbers
by Qiaoyan Li, Yingcang Ma, Xiaohong Zhang and Juanjuan Zhang
Symmetry 2019, 11(5), 696; - 21 May 2019
Cited by 10 | Viewed by 2580
In this paper, we explore the algebra structure based on neutrosophic quadruple numbers. Moreover, two kinds of degradation algebra systems of neutrosophic quadruple numbers are introduced. In particular, the following results are strictly proved: (1) the set of neutrosophic quadruple numbers with a [...] Read more.
In this paper, we explore the algebra structure based on neutrosophic quadruple numbers. Moreover, two kinds of degradation algebra systems of neutrosophic quadruple numbers are introduced. In particular, the following results are strictly proved: (1) the set of neutrosophic quadruple numbers with a multiplication operation is a neutrosophic extended triplet group; (2) the neutral element of each neutrosophic quadruple number is unique and there are only sixteen different neutral elements in all of neutrosophic quadruple numbers; (3) the set which has same neutral element is closed with respect to the multiplication operator; (4) the union of the set which has same neutral element is a partition of four-dimensional space. Full article
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13 pages, 1204 KiB  
The Decomposition Theorems of AG-Neutrosophic Extended Triplet Loops and Strong AG-(l, l)-Loops
by Xiaoying Wu and Xiaohong Zhang
Mathematics 2019, 7(3), 268; - 15 Mar 2019
Cited by 22 | Viewed by 2513
In this paper, some new properties of Abel Grassmann‘s Neutrosophic Extended Triplet Loop (AG-NET-Loop) were further studied. The following important results were proved: (1) an AG-NET-Loop is weakly commutative if, and only if, it is a commutative neutrosophic extended triplet (NETG); (2) every [...] Read more.
In this paper, some new properties of Abel Grassmann‘s Neutrosophic Extended Triplet Loop (AG-NET-Loop) were further studied. The following important results were proved: (1) an AG-NET-Loop is weakly commutative if, and only if, it is a commutative neutrosophic extended triplet (NETG); (2) every AG-NET-Loop is the disjoint union of its maximal subgroups. At the same time, the new notion of Abel Grassmann’s (l, l)-Loop (AG-(l, l)-Loop), which is the Abel-Grassmann’s groupoid with the local left identity and local left inverse, were introduced. The strong AG-(l, l)-Loops were systematically analyzed, and the following decomposition theorem was proved: every strong AG-(l, l)-Loop is the disjoint union of its maximal sub-AG-groups. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue General Algebraic Structures)
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16 pages, 256 KiB  
Generalized Neutrosophic Extended Triplet Group
by Yingcang Ma, Xiaohong Zhang, Xiaofei Yang and Xin Zhou
Symmetry 2019, 11(3), 327; - 5 Mar 2019
Cited by 30 | Viewed by 2956
Neutrosophic extended triplet group is a new algebra structure and is different from the classical group. In this paper, the notion of generalized neutrosophic extended triplet group is proposed and some properties are discussed. In particular, the following conclusions are strictly proved: (1) [...] Read more.
Neutrosophic extended triplet group is a new algebra structure and is different from the classical group. In this paper, the notion of generalized neutrosophic extended triplet group is proposed and some properties are discussed. In particular, the following conclusions are strictly proved: (1) an algebraic system is a generalized neutrosophic extended triplet group if and only if it is a quasi-completely regular semigroup; (2) an algebraic system is a weak commutative generalized neutrosophic extended triplet group if and only if it is a quasi-Clifford semigroup; (3) for each n Z + , n 2 , ( Z n , ) is a commutative generalized neutrosophic extended triplet group; (4) for each n Z + , n 2 , ( Z n , ) is a commutative neutrosophic extended triplet group if and only if n = p 1 p 2 p m , i.e., the factorization of n has only single factor. Full article
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16 pages, 869 KiB  
On the Classification of Bol-Moufang Type of Some Varieties of Quasi Neutrosophic Triplet Loop (Fenyves BCI-Algebras)
by Tèmítọ́pẹ́ Gbọ́láhàn Jaíyéọlá, Emmanuel Ilojide, Memudu Olaposi Olatinwo and Florentin Smarandache
Symmetry 2018, 10(10), 427; - 21 Sep 2018
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 4114
In this paper, Bol-Moufang types of a particular quasi neutrosophic triplet loop (BCI-algebra), chritened Fenyves BCI-algebras are introduced and studied. 60 Fenyves BCI-algebras are introduced and classified. Amongst these 60 classes of algebras, 46 are found to be associative and 14 are found [...] Read more.
In this paper, Bol-Moufang types of a particular quasi neutrosophic triplet loop (BCI-algebra), chritened Fenyves BCI-algebras are introduced and studied. 60 Fenyves BCI-algebras are introduced and classified. Amongst these 60 classes of algebras, 46 are found to be associative and 14 are found to be non-associative. The 46 associative algebras are shown to be Boolean groups. Moreover, necessary and sufficient conditions for 13 non-associative algebras to be associative are also obtained: p-semisimplicity is found to be necessary and sufficient for a F 3 , F 5 , F 42 and F 55 algebras to be associative while quasi-associativity is found to be necessary and sufficient for F 19 , F 52 , F 56 and F 59 algebras to be associative. Two pairs of the 14 non-associative algebras are found to be equivalent to associativity ( F 52 and F 55 , and F 55 and F 59 ). Every BCI-algebra is naturally an F 54 BCI-algebra. The work is concluded with recommendations based on comparison between the behaviour of identities of Bol-Moufang (Fenyves’ identities) in quasigroups and loops and their behaviour in BCI-algebra. It is concluded that results of this work are an initiation into the study of the classification of finite Fenyves’ quasi neutrosophic triplet loops (FQNTLs) just like various types of finite loops have been classified. This research work has opened a new area of research finding in BCI-algebras, vis-a-vis the emergence of 540 varieties of Bol-Moufang type quasi neutrosophic triplet loops. A ‘Cycle of Algebraic Structures’ which portrays this fact is provided. Full article
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12 pages, 230 KiB  
On Homomorphism Theorem for Perfect Neutrosophic Extended Triplet Groups
by Xiaohong Zhang, Xiaoyan Mao, Florentin Smarandache and Choonkil Park
Information 2018, 9(9), 237; - 18 Sep 2018
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 2926
Some homomorphism theorems of neutrosophic extended triplet group (NETG) are proved in the paper [Fundamental homomorphism theorems for neutrosophic extended triplet groups, Symmetry 2018, 10(8), 321; doi:10.3390/sym10080321]. These results are revised in this paper. First, several counterexamples are given to show that some [...] Read more.
Some homomorphism theorems of neutrosophic extended triplet group (NETG) are proved in the paper [Fundamental homomorphism theorems for neutrosophic extended triplet groups, Symmetry 2018, 10(8), 321; doi:10.3390/sym10080321]. These results are revised in this paper. First, several counterexamples are given to show that some results in the above paper are not true. Second, two new notions of normal NT-subgroup and complete normal NT-subgroup in neutrosophic extended triplet groups are introduced, and their properties are investigated. Third, a new concept of perfect neutrosophic extended triplet group is proposed, and the basic homomorphism theorem of perfect neutrosophic extended triplet groups is established. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Artificial Intelligence)
8 pages, 720 KiB  
Neutrosophic Duplets of {Zpn,×} and {Zpq,×} and Their Properties
by Vasantha Kandasamy W.B., Ilanthenral Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache
Symmetry 2018, 10(8), 345; - 17 Aug 2018
Cited by 15 | Viewed by 2844
The notions of neutrosophy, neutrosophic algebraic structures, neutrosophic duplet and neutrosophic triplet were introduced by Florentin Smarandache. In this paper, the neutrosophic duplets of Z p n , Z p q and Z p 1 p 2 p n are studied. In [...] Read more.
The notions of neutrosophy, neutrosophic algebraic structures, neutrosophic duplet and neutrosophic triplet were introduced by Florentin Smarandache. In this paper, the neutrosophic duplets of Z p n , Z p q and Z p 1 p 2 p n are studied. In the case of Z p n and Z p q , the complete characterization of neutrosophic duplets are given. In the case of Z p 1 p n , only the neutrosophic duplets associated with p i s are provided; i = 1 , 2 , , n . Some open problems related to neutrosophic duplets are proposed. Full article
14 pages, 786 KiB  
Fundamental Homomorphism Theorems for Neutrosophic Extended Triplet Groups
by Mehmet Çelik, Moges Mekonnen Shalla and Necati Olgun
Symmetry 2018, 10(8), 321; - 3 Aug 2018
Cited by 9 | Viewed by 3631
In classical group theory, homomorphism and isomorphism are significant to study the relation between two algebraic systems. Through this article, we propose neutro-homomorphism and neutro-isomorphism for the neutrosophic extended triplet group (NETG) which plays a significant role in the theory of neutrosophic triplet [...] Read more.
In classical group theory, homomorphism and isomorphism are significant to study the relation between two algebraic systems. Through this article, we propose neutro-homomorphism and neutro-isomorphism for the neutrosophic extended triplet group (NETG) which plays a significant role in the theory of neutrosophic triplet algebraic structures. Then, we define neutro-monomorphism, neutro-epimorphism, and neutro-automorphism. We give and prove some theorems related to these structures. Furthermore, the Fundamental homomorphism theorem for the NETG is given and some special cases are discussed. First and second neutro-isomorphism theorems are stated. Finally, by applying homomorphism theorems to neutrosophic extended triplet algebraic structures, we have examined how closely different systems are related. Full article
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