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22 pages, 16421 KiB  
A Lightweight Keystream Generator Based on Expanded Chaos with a Counter for Secure IoT
by Tung-Tsun Lee and Shyi-Tsong Wu
Electronics 2024, 13(24), 5019; - 20 Dec 2024
Viewed by 543
Stream ciphers are a type of symmetric encryption algorithm, and excel in speed and efficiency compared with block ciphers. They are applied in various applications, particularly in digital communications and real-time transmissions. In this paper, we propose lightweight chaotic keystream generators that utilize [...] Read more.
Stream ciphers are a type of symmetric encryption algorithm, and excel in speed and efficiency compared with block ciphers. They are applied in various applications, particularly in digital communications and real-time transmissions. In this paper, we propose lightweight chaotic keystream generators that utilize original one-dimensional (1D) chaotic maps with a counter to fit the requirement of a stream cipher for secure communications in the Internet of Things (IoT). The proposed chaotic scheme, referred to as expanded chaos, improves the limit of the chaotic range for the original 1D chaos. It can resist brute-force attacks, chosen-ciphertext attacks, guess-and-determine attacks, and other known attacks. We implement the proposed scheme on the IoT platform Raspberry Pi. Under NIST SP800-22 tests, the pass rates for the proposed improved chaotic maps with a counter and the proposed the mutual-coupled chaos are found to be at least about 90% and 92%, respectively. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Internet of Things (IoT) Privacy and Security in the Age of Big Data)
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24 pages, 3427 KiB  
One Class of Ideally Secret Autonomous Symmetric Ciphering Systems Based on Wiretap Polar Codes
by Milan Milosavljević, Jelica Radomirović, Tomislav Unkašević and Boško Božilović
Mathematics 2024, 12(23), 3724; - 27 Nov 2024
Viewed by 510
This paper introduces a class of symmetric ciphering systems with a finite secret key, which provides ideal secrecy, autonomy in key generation and distribution, and robustness against the probabilistic structure of messages (the Ideally Secret Autonomous Robust (ISAR) system). The ISAR system is [...] Read more.
This paper introduces a class of symmetric ciphering systems with a finite secret key, which provides ideal secrecy, autonomy in key generation and distribution, and robustness against the probabilistic structure of messages (the Ideally Secret Autonomous Robust (ISAR) system). The ISAR system is based on wiretap polar codes constructed over an artificial wiretap channel with a maximum secrecy capacity of 0.5. The system autonomously maintains a minimum level of key equivocation by continuously refreshing secret keys without additional key generation and distribution infrastructure. Moreover, it can transform any stream ciphering system with a finite secret key of known length into an ISAR system without knowing and/or changing its algorithm. Therefore, this class of system strongly supports privacy, a critical requirement for contemporary security systems. The ISAR system’s reliance on wiretap polar coding for strong secrecy ensures resistance to passive known plaintext attacks. Furthermore, resistance to passive attacks on generated refreshing keys follows directly from ideal secrecy and autonomy. The results presented offer an efficient methodology for synthesizing this class of systems with predetermined security margins and a complexity of the order of nlogn, where n is the block length of the applied polar code. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advanced Research on Information System Security and Privacy)
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17 pages, 338 KiB  
New Weak Keys with Parity Patterns in the RC4 Stream Cipher
by Evaristo José Madarro-Capó, Carlos Miguel Legón-Pérez , Guillermo Sosa-Gómez and Omar Rojas
Cryptography 2024, 8(4), 54; - 27 Nov 2024
Viewed by 1102
The RC4 cryptographic algorithm is the most extensively studied stream cipher of the past two decades. This extensive research has resulted in numerous publications, many of which identify various vulnerabilities. Although these vulnerabilities do not preclude the correct use of the algorithm, they [...] Read more.
The RC4 cryptographic algorithm is the most extensively studied stream cipher of the past two decades. This extensive research has resulted in numerous publications, many of which identify various vulnerabilities. Although these vulnerabilities do not preclude the correct use of the algorithm, they complicate its practical implementation. In this paper, we present a novel weakness in the RC4 cipher. Our findings indicate that, for input keys exhibiting certain patterns, the parity of the values in the output permutation of the KSA can be determined with high probability from the parity of its position in the output permutation. Furthermore, the use of keys with these specific patterns leads to noticeable distortions in several bytes of the RC4 output. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Symmetric Cryptography and Data Integrity)
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29 pages, 2051 KiB  
Quantum Stream Cipher Based on Holevo–Yuen Theory: Part II
by Osamu Hirota and Masaki Sohma
Entropy 2024, 26(11), 983; - 15 Nov 2024
Viewed by 598
This paper discusses the foundation of security theory for the Quantum stream cipher based on the Holevo–Yuen theory, which allows the use of “optical amplifiers”. This type of cipher is a technology that provides information-theoretic security (ITS) to optical data transmission by randomizing [...] Read more.
This paper discusses the foundation of security theory for the Quantum stream cipher based on the Holevo–Yuen theory, which allows the use of “optical amplifiers”. This type of cipher is a technology that provides information-theoretic security (ITS) to optical data transmission by randomizing ultrafast optical communication signals with quantum noise. In general, the quantitative security of ITS is evaluated in terms of the unicity distance in Shannon theory. However, the quantum version requires modeling beyond the Shannon model of a random cipher to utilize the characteristics of the physical layer. Therefore, as the first step, one has to develop a generalized unicity distance theory and apply it to the evaluation of security. Although a complete theoretical formulation has not yet been established, this paper explains a primitive structure of a generalization of the Shannon random cipher and shows that the realization of this is the generalized quantum stream cipher. In addition, we present several implementation methods of generalized quantum stream ciphers and their security. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Quantum Communication, Quantum Radar, and Quantum Cipher, 2nd Edition)
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14 pages, 311 KiB  
Generating Bent Functions and Dynamic Filters: A Novel Equivalence-Based Approach
by Joseph Nelson, Chungath Srinivasan, Anand R. Nair and Lakshmy Koduvayur Viswanathan
Symmetry 2024, 16(11), 1501; - 8 Nov 2024
Viewed by 1069
Boolean functions are fundamental building blocks in both discrete mathematics and computer science, with applications spanning from cryptography to coding theory. Bent functions, a subset of Boolean functions with maximal nonlinearity, are particularly valuable in cryptographic applications. This study introduces a novel equivalence [...] Read more.
Boolean functions are fundamental building blocks in both discrete mathematics and computer science, with applications spanning from cryptography to coding theory. Bent functions, a subset of Boolean functions with maximal nonlinearity, are particularly valuable in cryptographic applications. This study introduces a novel equivalence relation among all Boolean functions and presents an algorithm to generate bent functions based on this relation. We systematically generated a collection of 10,000 bent functions over eight variables, all originating from the same equivalence class, and analyzed their structural complexity through rank determination. Our findings revealed the presence of at least five distinct affine classes of bent functions within this collection. By employing this construction, we devised an algorithm to generate a filter function capable of combining Boolean functions. This filter function can be dynamically adjusted based on a key, offering potential applications in symmetric cipher design, such as enhancing security or improving efficiency. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Mathematics)
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21 pages, 8837 KiB  
A Novel Hybrid Elementary Cellular Automata and Its Application in a Stream Cipher
by Peng Du, Youheng Dong, Qi Cui and Hui Li
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14(21), 9719; - 24 Oct 2024
Viewed by 685
The elementary cellular automata (ECAs) under the chaotic rule possess long periodicity and are widely used in pseudo-random number generators. However, their period is limited, related to the rule and the number of cells. Meanwhile, the Boolean functions of some ECAs are linear [...] Read more.
The elementary cellular automata (ECAs) under the chaotic rule possess long periodicity and are widely used in pseudo-random number generators. However, their period is limited, related to the rule and the number of cells. Meanwhile, the Boolean functions of some ECAs are linear and vulnerable to linear analysis. Thus, the ECA cannot be directly implemented in the stream cipher. In this paper, a hybrid ECA (HECA) with dynamic mask (HECA-M) is designed. The HECA-M consists of two parts: the driving and mask parts. The driving part based on a HECA is used in generating the keystream, and the mask part based on a chaotic ECA is utilized to determine the iterative rule of the driving part. Subsequently, a stream cipher based on the HECA-M and SHA-512 is proposed. The statistic and secure analyses indicate that the proposed stream cipher possesses good randomness and can resist stream cipher analyses, such as exhaustive search, Berlekamp–Massey synthesis, guess and determine attack, time–memory–data tradeoff attack, etc. Hence, the proposed scheme can meet security requirements. Moreover, the time and space consumption of the proposed stream cipher is qualified. Full article
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15 pages, 3517 KiB  
Scenarios for Optical Encryption Using Quantum Keys
by Luis Velasco, Morteza Ahmadian, Laura Ortiz, Juan P. Brito, Antonio Pastor, Jose M. Rivas, Sima Barzegar, Jaume Comellas, Vicente Martin and Marc Ruiz
Sensors 2024, 24(20), 6631; - 15 Oct 2024
Viewed by 964
Optical communications providing huge capacity and low latency remain vulnerable to a range of attacks. In consequence, encryption at the optical layer is needed to ensure secure data transmission. In our previous work, we proposed LightPath SECurity (LPSec), a secure cryptographic solution for [...] Read more.
Optical communications providing huge capacity and low latency remain vulnerable to a range of attacks. In consequence, encryption at the optical layer is needed to ensure secure data transmission. In our previous work, we proposed LightPath SECurity (LPSec), a secure cryptographic solution for optical transmission that leverages stream ciphers and Diffie–Hellman (DH) key exchange for high-speed optical encryption. Still, LPSec faces limitations related to key generation and key distribution. To address these limitations, in this paper, we rely on Quantum Random Number Generators (QRNG) and Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) networks. Specifically, we focus on three meaningful scenarios: In Scenario A, the two optical transponders (Tp) involved in the optical transmission are within the security perimeter of the QKD network. In Scenario B, only one Tp is within the QKD network, so keys are retrieved from a QRNG and distributed using LPSec. Finally, Scenario C extends Scenario B by employing Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) by implementing a Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) to secure key exchanges. The scenarios are analyzed based on their security, efficiency, and applicability, demonstrating the potential of quantum-enhanced LPSec to provide secure, low-latency encryption for current optical communications. The experimental assessment, conducted on the Madrid Quantum Infrastructure, validates the feasibility of the proposed solutions. Full article
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20 pages, 4395 KiB  
SC-SA: Byte-Oriented Lightweight Stream Ciphers Based on S-Box Substitution
by Jun Ye and Yabing Chen
Symmetry 2024, 16(8), 1051; - 15 Aug 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 772
With the rapid proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) in recent years, the number of IoT devices has surged exponentially. These devices collect and transmit vast amounts of data, including sensitive information. Encrypting data is a crucial means to prevent unauthorized access [...] Read more.
With the rapid proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) in recent years, the number of IoT devices has surged exponentially. These devices collect and transmit vast amounts of data, including sensitive information. Encrypting data is a crucial means to prevent unauthorized access and potential misuse. However, the traditional cryptographic schemes offering robust security demand substantial device resources and are unsuitable for lightweight deployments, particularly in resource-constrained IoT devices. On the other hand, with the automotive industry making strides in autonomous driving, self-driving vehicles are beginning to integrate into people’s daily lives. Ensuring the security of autonomous driving systems, particularly in preventing hacker infiltrations, is a paramount challenge currently facing the industry. An emerging lightweight sequence cipher—aiming to strike a balance between security and resource efficiency—has been proposed in this paper based on S-box substitution and arithmetic addition. The designed security threshold is 280. It has been verified that with a slight performance disadvantage, it can reduce memory usage while ensuring the security threshold. The key stream generated by this structure exhibits excellent pseudo-randomness. Full article
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15 pages, 271 KiB  
On the Stability of the Linear Complexity of Some Generalized Cyclotomic Sequences of Order Two
by Chi Yan and Chengliang Tian
Mathematics 2024, 12(16), 2483; - 11 Aug 2024
Viewed by 724
Linear complexity is an important pseudo-random measure of the key stream sequence in a stream cipher system. The 1-error linear complexity is used to measure the stability of the linear complexity, which means the minimal linear complexity of the new sequence by changing [...] Read more.
Linear complexity is an important pseudo-random measure of the key stream sequence in a stream cipher system. The 1-error linear complexity is used to measure the stability of the linear complexity, which means the minimal linear complexity of the new sequence by changing one bit of the original key stream sequence. This paper contributes to calculating the exact values of the linear complexity and 1-error linear complexity of the binary key stream sequence with two prime periods defined by Ding–Helleseth generalized cyclotomy. We provide a novel method to solve such problems by employing the discrete Fourier transform and the M–S polynomial of the sequence. Our results show that, by choosing appropriate parameters p and q, the linear complexity and 1-error linear complexity can be no less than half period, which shows that the linear complexity of this sequence not only meets the requirements of cryptography but also has good stability. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Coding Theory and the Impact of AI)
15 pages, 8609 KiB  
Performance Evaluation of Lightweight Stream Ciphers for Real-Time Video Feed Encryption on ARM Processor
by Mohsin Khan, Håvard Dagenborg and Dag Johansen
Future Internet 2024, 16(8), 261; - 25 Jul 2024
Viewed by 1236
In resource-intensive Internet of Things applications, Lightweight Stream Ciphers (LWSCs) play a vital role in influencing both the security and performance of the system. Numerous LWSCs have been proposed, each offering certain properties and trade-offs that carefully balance security and performance requirements. This [...] Read more.
In resource-intensive Internet of Things applications, Lightweight Stream Ciphers (LWSCs) play a vital role in influencing both the security and performance of the system. Numerous LWSCs have been proposed, each offering certain properties and trade-offs that carefully balance security and performance requirements. This paper presents a comprehensive evaluation of prominent LWSCs, with a focus on their performance and resource consumption, providing insights into efficiency, efficacy, and suitability in the real-world application of resource-intensive live video feed encryption on an ARM processor. The study involves the development of a benchmarking tool designed to evaluate key metrics, including encryption frame rate, throughput, processing cycles, memory footprint, ROM utilization, and energy consumption. In addition, we apply the E−Rank metric, which combines key performance and resource metrics to derive a unified comparative measure for overall software performance. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Cyber Security in the New "Edge Computing + IoT" World)
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20 pages, 4436 KiB  
Reversible Cellular Automata Based Cryptosystem
by George Cosmin Stănică and Petre Anghelescu
Electronics 2024, 13(13), 2515; - 27 Jun 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1024
The increasing reliance on telecommunication technologies across various domains has raised concerns surrounding data security and privacy during transmission. In response to these concerns, this study introduces a different approach to cryptographic algorithm construction, utilizing cellular automata (CA). The idea involves designing an [...] Read more.
The increasing reliance on telecommunication technologies across various domains has raised concerns surrounding data security and privacy during transmission. In response to these concerns, this study introduces a different approach to cryptographic algorithm construction, utilizing cellular automata (CA). The idea involves designing an encryption algorithm based on a specific class of one-dimensional CA, incorporating elementary evolution rules specifically constructed to establish a reversible system, thereby enhancing information preservation and security. The encryption process involves forward iteration of the system, while decryption employs backward iteration, both processes being based on the same rule. Classified as a symmetric key cryptosystem within the stream cipher framework, the proposed algorithm was implemented using a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) device (XILINX Spartan3E) at the hardware-level, complemented by software applications developed using the C# programming language. Testing on the experimental findings was conducted to check the efficacy of the proposed algorithm in ensuring information security and randomness, confirming its viability for practical encryption applications. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Networks)
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15 pages, 854 KiB  
Enhancing Smart Communication Security: A Novel Cost Function for Efficient S-Box Generation in Symmetric Key Cryptography
by Oleksandr Kuznetsov, Nikolay Poluyanenko, Emanuele Frontoni and Sergey Kandiy
Cryptography 2024, 8(2), 17; - 25 Apr 2024
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 1988
In the realm of smart communication systems, where the ubiquity of 5G/6G networks and IoT applications demands robust data confidentiality, the cryptographic integrity of block and stream cipher mechanisms plays a pivotal role. This paper focuses on the enhancement of cryptographic strength in [...] Read more.
In the realm of smart communication systems, where the ubiquity of 5G/6G networks and IoT applications demands robust data confidentiality, the cryptographic integrity of block and stream cipher mechanisms plays a pivotal role. This paper focuses on the enhancement of cryptographic strength in these systems through an innovative approach to generating substitution boxes (S-boxes), which are integral in achieving confusion and diffusion properties in substitution–permutation networks. These properties are critical in thwarting statistical, differential, linear, and other forms of cryptanalysis, and are equally vital in pseudorandom number generation and cryptographic hashing algorithms. The paper addresses the challenge of rapidly producing random S-boxes with desired cryptographic attributes, a task notably arduous given the complexity of existing generation algorithms. We delve into the hill climbing algorithm, exploring various cost functions and their impact on computational complexity for generating S-boxes with a target nonlinearity of 104. Our contribution lies in proposing a new cost function that markedly reduces the generation complexity, bringing down the iteration count to under 50,000 for achieving the desired S-box. This advancement is particularly significant in the context of smart communication environments, where the balance between security and performance is paramount. Full article
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13 pages, 298 KiB  
Practical Improvement in the Implementation of Two Avalanche Tests to Measure Statistical Independence in Stream Ciphers
by Evaristo José Madarro-Capó, Eziel Christians Ramos Piñón, Guillermo Sosa-Gómez and Omar Rojas
Computation 2024, 12(3), 60; - 19 Mar 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1781
This study describes the implementation of two algorithms in a parallel environment. These algorithms correspond to two statistical tests based on the bit’s independence criterion and the strict avalanche criterion. They are utilized to measure avalanche properties in stream ciphers. These criteria allow [...] Read more.
This study describes the implementation of two algorithms in a parallel environment. These algorithms correspond to two statistical tests based on the bit’s independence criterion and the strict avalanche criterion. They are utilized to measure avalanche properties in stream ciphers. These criteria allow for the statistical independence between the outputs and the internal state of a bit-level cipher to be determined. Both tests require extensive input parameters to assess the performance of current stream ciphers, leading to longer execution times. The presented implementation significantly reduces the execution time of both tests, making them suitable for evaluating ciphers in practical applications. The evaluation results compare the performance of the RC4 and HC256 stream ciphers in both sequential and parallel environments. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue 10th Anniversary of Computation—Computational Engineering)
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16 pages, 5077 KiB  
Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Two-Round Image Interpolation
by Qing Zhang and Kaimeng Chen
Mathematics 2024, 12(1), 32; - 22 Dec 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 1317
The data embedding of vacating room after encryption reversible data hiding in encrypted images (VRAE RDHEI) is performed on an encrypted image without redundancy and spatial correlation. Data extraction and image recovery rely on a range of unique mechanisms that utilize spatial correlation [...] Read more.
The data embedding of vacating room after encryption reversible data hiding in encrypted images (VRAE RDHEI) is performed on an encrypted image without redundancy and spatial correlation. Data extraction and image recovery rely on a range of unique mechanisms that utilize spatial correlation in the decrypted domain. Of these mechanisms, pixel prediction is among the most frequently used, directly affecting the capacity and fidelity. In this paper, we propose a novel method that uses a two-round interpolation mechanism to enhance pixel prediction precision while preserving a large number of carrier pixels. In the proposed method, the content owner uses a stream cipher to encrypt the image as a carrier. The data hider flips specific LSBs of the encrypted image for data embedding. On the receiver side, the process of data extraction and image recovery is divided into two stages. In each stage, based on the varying distributions of the original or recovered pixels with the carrier pixels, the corresponding pixel interpolation schemes are used to accurately predict the pixels for data extraction and image recovery. The results demonstrate that the proposed method can efficiently improve the capacity and fidelity with full reversibility compared to existing VRAE RDHEI methods. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Data Hiding, Steganography and Its Application)
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23 pages, 683 KiB  
Discovering Non-Linear Boolean Functions by Evolving Walsh Transforms with Genetic Programming
by Luigi Rovito, Andrea De Lorenzo and Luca Manzoni
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 499; - 27 Oct 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2123
Stream ciphers usually rely on highly secure Boolean functions to ensure safe communication within unsafe channels. However, discovering secure Boolean functions is a non-trivial optimization problem that has been addressed by many optimization techniques: in particular by evolutionary algorithms. We investigate in this [...] Read more.
Stream ciphers usually rely on highly secure Boolean functions to ensure safe communication within unsafe channels. However, discovering secure Boolean functions is a non-trivial optimization problem that has been addressed by many optimization techniques: in particular by evolutionary algorithms. We investigate in this article the employment of Genetic Programming (GP) for evolving Boolean functions with large non-linearity by examining the search space consisting of Walsh transforms. Especially, we build generic Walsh spectra starting from the evolution of Walsh transform coefficients. Then, by leveraging spectral inversion, we build pseudo-Boolean functions from which we are able to determine the corresponding nearest Boolean functions, whose computation involves filling via a random criterion a certain amount of “uncertain” positions in the final truth table. We show that by using a balancedness-preserving strategy, it is possible to exploit those positions to obtain a function that is as balanced as possible. We perform experiments by comparing different types of symbolic representations for the Walsh transform, and we analyze the percentage of uncertain positions. We systematically review the outcomes of these comparisons to highlight the best type of setting for this problem. We evolve Boolean functions from 6 to 16 bits and compare the GP-based evolution with random search to show that evolving Walsh transforms leads to highly non-linear functions that are balanced as well. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Algorithms for Natural Computing Models)
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