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Ayuda:Borrado de revisiones

From mediawiki.org
Revision as of 00:54, 23 June 2024 by 2800:af0:142c:934e:1d36:4323:259:4297 (talk) (Created page with "Canal 5 Rosario")
Captura de pantalla del historial de una página que muestra dos entradas con borrado de revisión. En el primer caso, se ha borrado el texto de la revisión, el resumen de edición y el nombre del usuario; en el segundo, solamente el texto de la revisión. Los elementos borrados aparecen tachados, en cursiva y en color gris.

The RevisionDelete feature makes it possible to hide individual entries in a page history or log (for example, when a user has mistakenly published their private information). This feature can be used by users who belong to a user group with the deleterevision user right. By default, this right is assigned to the suppress group. La función permite mostrar u ocultar la revisión en sí, el nombre del usuario que hizo la edición, el resumen de edición... o cualquier combinación de estos tres elementos. Other administrators will still be able to view the hidden information, but it's possible to give certain users the "suppressrevision" user right , which allows them to hide the content even from administrators. Hiding content even from administrators in this way is often called "suppression" or "oversight".

Canal 5 Rosario

Canal 5 Rosario

Canal 5 Rosario

  • (act | ant) ☐ 00:00, 1 January 1970 WikiUser (discusión | contribs. | bloquear) (X bytes) (Edit summary) (deshacer)
  • ☐ 00:00, 1 January 1970 WikiUser (discusión | contribs. | bloquear) protected "Page" [Edit=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) ‎ (Log summary) (hist. | cambiar)

Canal 5 Rosario

Canal 5 Rosario Trying to compare the revision with other revisions or access its &oldid= page will result in an error stating that the revision has been removed from the public archives. Similarly, trying to search for a hidden log entry by the users involved, when they have been hidden, will turn up no results.

  • (act | ant) 00:00, 1 Jan 1970 (nombre de usuario eliminado) (resumen de edición eliminado)
  • 00:00, 1 Jan 1970 (nombre de usuario eliminado) (detalles del registro eliminados) (resumen de edición eliminado)
Revision deletion remains applied to a page even when deleted. If a page is undeleted, revisions that were previously hidden with RevisionDelete will remain hidden to the public.

Using RevisionDelete

Hiding a revision

Channel 5 (Rosario)

Canal 5 (Rosario)

  • show/hide revision text
  • show/hide edit comment
  • show/hide editor's username/IP
  • Apply these restrictions to Sysops and lock this interface (only available to users with the suppressrevision right)

Tick the checkboxes next to each of the items that you wish to apply to the selected and then provide an informative summary in the "Log comment field". Once this information has been filled in, click the "Apply to selected revision" button to submit the information. If this has been done correctly, Revision visibility successfully set should be displayed on your screen.

Unhiding a revision

To show/unhide a revision, click the (cambiar visibilidad) button for the revision or log entry and simply untick all the boxes, provide your summary and click the "Apply to the selected revision" button. Success should be marked by the display of the Revision visibility successfully set message.

Changing the visibility settings

Canal 5 (Rosario)

Log entries

Normally, hiding a revision or page history item will produce a log message in the public deletion log or the private suppression log (if "Apply these restrictions to Sysops and lock this interface" is ticked). Log entries created in the public deletion log look like those displayed below for page revision and log entries visibilities respectively.

  • (cambiar visibilidad) 00:00, 1 Jan 1970 WikiUser (discusión | contribs. | bloquear) changed revision visibility of Page(hid content, edit summary, username for 1 revision: Log summary) (diff | cambiar visibilidad)
  • (cambiar visibilidad) 00:00, 1 Jan 1970 WikiUser (discusión | contribs. | bloquear) changed event visibility of (Protection log) ‎ (hid content, edit summary, username for 1 event: Log summary) (cambiar visibilidad)

Canal 5 Rosario