Search results
Create the page "Maps/Conversation about interactive map use" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- about interactive map use/Ask Message rough draft of overview of interactive maps here: User:CKoerner (WMF)/Conversation about interactive map use Julien...4 KB (617 words) - 18:46, 3 July 2020
- Conversation about interactive map use WMF-related maps guide at Wikitech. In Phabricator, see current work and the task list OpenStreetMap page in Meta...9 KB (765 words) - 21:36, 30 January 2022
- Conversation about interactive map use WMF-related maps guide at Wikitech. In Phabricator, see current work and the task list OpenStreetMap page in Meta...9 KB (761 words) - 20:38, 30 January 2022
- Conversation about interactive map use WMF-related maps guide at Wikitech. In Phabricator, see current work and the task list OpenStreetMap page in Meta...9 KB (761 words) - 21:37, 30 January 2022
- Conversation about interactive map use WMF-related maps guide at Wikitech. In Phabricator, see current work and the task list OpenStreetMap page in Meta...9 KB (761 words) - 21:37, 30 January 2022
- Conversation about interactive map use WMF-related maps guide at Wikitech. In Phabricator, see current work and the task list OpenStreetMap page in Meta...9 KB (761 words) - 21:36, 30 January 2022
- Conversation about interactive map use WMF-related maps guide at Wikitech. In Phabricator, see current work and the task list OpenStreetMap page in Meta...9 KB (775 words) - 20:39, 30 January 2022
- functionality Maps/Interactive Wikivoyage sites switch to Kartographer Create use case page for maps KB (328 words) - 18:53, 3 July 2020
- Conversation about interactive map use WMF-related maps guide at Wikitech. In Phabricator, see current work and the task list OpenStreetMap page in Meta...9 KB (761 words) - 21:38, 30 January 2022
- Conversation about interactive map use WMF-related maps guide at Wikitech. In Phabricator, see current work and the task list OpenStreetMap page in Meta...9 KB (773 words) - 21:37, 30 January 2022
- Conversation about interactive map use WMF-related maps guide at Wikitech. In Phabricator, see current work and the task list OpenStreetMap page in Meta...9 KB (788 words) - 20:39, 30 January 2022
- Conversation about interactive map use WMF-related maps guide at Wikitech. In Phabricator, see current work and the task list OpenStreetMap page in Meta...8 KB (754 words) - 20:39, 30 January 2022
- to follow Create use case page for maps With help from Chris, the page is now...3 KB (326 words) - 18:54, 3 July 2020
- org/wiki/Maps/Conversation_about_interactive_map_use (That page could use additional work) Writing up a “lessons learned” from this conversation Portal...3 KB (359 words) - 18:54, 3 July 2020
- Conversation about interactive map use WMF-related maps guide at Wikitech. In Phabricator, see current work and the task list OpenStreetMap page in Meta...9 KB (836 words) - 20:38, 30 January 2022
- page for maps (That page could use additional work) Portal Run at least 3 A/B...3 KB (458 words) - 18:54, 3 July 2020
- reminder about meeting more frequently but shorter DONE (sent 2016-06-07) Chris: write a draft of "what we learned" from interactive maps conversations DONE...5 KB (728 words) - 01:12, 28 November 2023
- understanding of map server setup thanks to Paul and Guillaume’s work Much better understanding of deployment process thanks to Max’s work Maps were deployed...9 KB (1,500 words) - 18:46, 3 July 2020
- This month, the Interactive team participated in a health check survey. This page summarizes how the team feels about itself, within each of the focus...9 KB (1,411 words) - 18:46, 3 July 2020
- design of the TextCat demo Map's geoshapes service is now available in graphs: Interactive maps with regions Wikivoyage map customizations have moved into...4 KB (379 words) - 22:21, 15 July 2016