Best natural cholesterol lowering supplements such as Olive oil, Niacin, psyllium husks, Omega-3 fish oil, Plant sterols, Red yeast rice extract, Policosanol, Guggul, Soy protein, Garlic, and more information. Two of the most effective ways to increase HDL and lower LDL are to exercise and eat a healthy diet. Consuming too much-saturated fat and trans fat – found in red meat, dairy, and processed foods – can increase your unhealthy cholesterol level.

The consumption of very few unsaturated fats and splashes; is found in nuts, seeds, fish, and vegetable oils and splashes; you can do the same. If your LDL levels are very high, or if you’re at increased risk for heart disease for another reason, your doctor may prescribe a medication to lower your cholesterol. Usually, this medicine is a statin drug.

However, if you want to try a more natural approach or cannot tolerate statins, you may want to consider the many foods and food-derived substances shown to lower cholesterol.

Best natural cholesterol lowering supplements

You’ll find a dizzying array of cholesterol-lowering supplements for sale; some combine several active ingredients and others contain only one. The following are some of the most promising natural supplements believed to help lower cholesterol.

  1. Olive oil

Olive oil contains a potent combination of antioxidants that can lower ‘bad’ cholesterol but leave ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL) unchanged. Try using about two tablespoons, about 23 grams, of olive oil a day instead of other fats in the diet to get its heart-healthy benefits. In addition to sautéing vegetables and dressing salads, it can also be taken as a substitute for butter on bread. Olive oil is high in calories, so don’t eat more than the recommended amount.

  1. Niacin natural cholesterol lowering supplements

Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, is so effective at lowering LDL and raising HDL that doctors often prescribe it in high doses. Over the counter, you will find low-dose supplements that can also be effective. Niacin can cause facial flushing and, in high doses, can damage the liver.

  1. Psyllium husks

Psyllium husks natural cholesterol lowering supplements and other soluble fibers move LDL out of the bloodstream and help regulate the digestive system. You can stir the psyllium into a glass of water and drink it or enjoy a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast.

  1. Omega-3 fish oil

Omega-3 fish oil has been shown to be very effective in lowering triglyceride levels, increasing HDL, and promoting overall heart health. Although you can get a large dose of omega-3 fatty acids by eating fish and salmon, especially salmon, sardines, and herring, most people prefer to take it in supplement form for convenience.

  1. Plant sterols

Plants are found naturally in supplements in many fruits, nuts, vegetables, and grains. Something like cholesterol in plants, block the absorption of dietary cholesterol and reduce the amount of LDL in the blood.

  1. Red yeast rice extract

Red yeast rice extract contains a natural, low-dose form of lovastatin, a prescription drug used to lower cholesterol. It can lower LDL very effectively, but care must be taken when choosing a red yeast rice extract; some lesser reputable manufacturers claim that the amounts of the extract are’ are not actually in the product.

  1. Policosanol

Policosanol is a chemical derived from sugar cane, wheat germ, or beeswax. Although studies are mixed, it appears to reduce LDL and cholesterol production in the liver.

  1. Guggul

Best natural cholesterol lowering supplements have been used in India for thousands of years for various desired health benefits, including lowering cholesterol. While results have been mixed, some studies suggest that it may lower total cholesterol.

  1. Soy protein

Soy protein doesn’t have a tremendous effect, but it can lower total and LDL cholesterol slightly. Replacing one or two meat dishes each week with soy protein is an easy boost to your health.

10. Garlic

Garlic natural cholesterol-lowering supplements are not only delicious in cooking, but it is also healthy for the heart. Some studies have shown that garlic reduces LDL levels and total cholesterol. It can also reduce the amount of cholesterol produced by the liver.

Good cholesterol vs bad cholesterol

When your doctor checks your cholesterol with a blood test called a lipid panel, the results aren’t just a number. A complete picture of your cholesterol level and whether or not you need to lower the level comes from four separate but related numbers: LDL, HDL, triglycerides, and total blood cholesterol.

LDL: It is often called bad cholesterol, which stands for low-density lipoprotein. LDL carries cholesterol through the bloodstream to cells. The “bad” part of LDL is that at high levels, it tends to build up fatty plaques inside your arteries – a condition called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis reduces blood flow through the affected arteries, leading to an increased risk of heart and kidney disease, peripheral arterial disease, stroke, heart attack, and blood clots. In adults, a healthy LDL level is less than 100 mg/dL.

High-density lipoprotein (HDL), is often called a good cholesterol supplement. It helps remove LDL from the bloodstream by taking it to the liver, where it is broken down for excretion. Therefore, HDL helps protect the heart from disease and reduces the risk of stroke. A healthy HDL level idea for adults = is more than 60 mg/dl.

Triglycerides (Blood Test) A triglyceride blood test result above (150 mg/dL ) is considered too high. its high level indicates an increased risk of stroke and cardiac disease.

Tips for a diet to bad cholesterol lowering supplements

Lowering LDL cholesterol and high triglycerides (C-VLDL), if its increase is due to external factors, begins with a change in our lifestyle. A healthier lifestyle, added to an appropriate diet to lower bad cholesterol, will be our main defense factors. Among the changes that offer the best results, we find: Eliminate trans fats that appear in foods labeled: ‘partially hydrogenated vegetable oil,’ banned by the FDA since January 1, 2021. Reduce your intake of saturated fats, found primarily in red meat and full-fat dairy products, and increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

International authorities recommend eating three servings of cooked vegetables and two servings of fruit a day, but remember that potatoes do not count as a vegetable, they are carbohydrates and contain starch (like bread or rice). Limit the consumption of fats of animal origin, have a low-salt diet, and replace sugary drinks with water. Abdominal fat is dangerous because the lipids it releases into the blood to the liver can accumulate as triglycerides and lead to cardiovascular disease. And, in addition, abdominal fat can motivate insulin resistance, with the risk of ending up suffering from diabetes.

The World Health Organization recommends that a man’s waist circumference should not be greater than 94 cm and that of a woman less than 80 cm. To know if the weight of your abdominal area is excessive, you must find out your waist-hip ratio (WCI).

To do this, take a tape measure and measure your waist at its narrowest point, then measure your hip at its widest point, and, finally, divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement and you will have your ICC. If, in addition, you are interested in checking your blood pressure regularly, you can buy a digital blood pressure monitor at your nearest pharmacy and check your blood pressure from your own home. Ideal blood pressure is 120 over 80 or less (systolic pressure/diastolic pressure).

The carbon monoxide contained in cigarettes raises bad cholesterol and lowers good cholesterol. It is considered that each time tobacco smoke is inhaled, the blood vessels are reduced. Within a year of quitting, your risk of heart disease is cut in half, good cholesterol is increased, and blood circulation and lung function improve. Performing a minimum of thirty minutes of moderate exercise daily, or intense exercise twenty minutes three times a week helps increase high-density lipoproteins (good cholesterol).

What is cholesterol?

Given the bad reputation, high cholesterol gets, one might assume that all cholesterol is bad. or that cholesterol is foreign to the body. Cholesterol is found in every cell in your body and is critical to your health. This yellowish, waxy fat is a building block of the membrane that surrounds each of your cells. It also plays a role in the production of vitamin D, hormones, and bile, which helps your body digest fat.

Another common misconception about cholesterol is that it comes mainly from the food you eat. The liver and intestines produce most of the cholesterol in the body, about 80%. Only the remaining 20% ​​comes from your diet. Animal products like meat, eggs, and dairy contain cholesterol.

Total blood cholesterol

Total blood cholesterol combines the levels of HDL, LDL, a portion of triglycerides, and some other fatty proteins into a single number that gives a general picture of blood lipid levels. Healthy adults should have a total blood cholesterol level of less than 200 mg/dl.

Best natural cholesterol lowering supplements summary

When you want to lose fat it is important to follow a volumetric diet, that is, your diet is higher in foods that provide few calories in large quantities. It is for this reason that you should include more whites than yolks because you can fill yourself up by eating more with fewer calories.

You can eat a whole egg with 3 whites every day, and you will be healthier than the one who does not eat them! The best source of natural protein, by biological value and net protein utilization (exceeded only by isolating protein supplements, such as whey protein).

Rich in vitamins (A, D, K, B2, B5, and B12) and minerals (iron, phosphorus, potassium, and selenium). Fats are not the enemy if you use them wisely. More than fats, it is fast-absorbing carbohydrates, sugar, and excess fructose that raise bad cholesterol, increase fat synthesis, and cause metabolic disorders.

Most of the cholesterol that our body contains is synthesized by the liver according to its needs (which is usually an average of  2000mg /day). Saturated fats activate this endogenous synthesis, while the consumption of cholesterol itself inhibits it. In contrast, the presence of the highest percentage of monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic, present in olive oil, and to a lesser extent linoleic in seed oils) tends to reduce blood cholesterol because it lowers the proportion in of LDL or atherogenic lipoproteins.

Recommended product

1) Cholesterol Supplement: All-Natural Ingredients to Support Normal HDL and LDL Cholesterol Levels.

2) Nordic Naturals Cholesterol Omega LDL, Lemon – 60 Soft Gels

3) NewLife Naturals Citrus Bergamot Supplements 500 MG – Heart Health.

4) CholesTunes Dual Action Formula: Cholesterol Health Supplement with Probiotic.

5) UpNourish Citrus Bergamot Cholesterol Supplement

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