Every day, an estimated 6,800 new peer-reviewed academic articles are published. That’s a whole lot of science to wade through—but don’t fret. We’ll do the legwork for you, each and every morning. Here’s your daily dose of the latest discoveries from journals, research institutions, and news outlets from around the world.
Avoid Toenail Fungus
Fungal infections are generally painless, but they can be pretty unsightly. And with the warmer temperatures right around the corner, you’re going to want to pull out those sandals. Toenail infections can seriously kill that look, so play the preventive game, with these fungus-sparing tips from the American Academy of Dermatology: trim your toenails short, cutting them straight across; wear properly-fitting shoes; alternate your kicks every day so they can air out; choose breathable footwear; use antifungal spray or powders inside your shoes and socks; avoid going barefoot in locker rooms; and never wear someone else’s shoes or share their nail clippers. (Here are 6 more of your grossest feet problems, solved.)
Get Screened For Colon Cancer
If you have a first-degree relative—a parent, sibling, or child—who had colon or rectal cancer, you might want to get a colonoscopy to screen for colorectal cancer earlier than what’s recommended, experts at Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center say. You’re at higher risk of developing the cancer yourself, so the age-50 benchmark for colonoscopy may be too late. Instead, talk to your doctor and share your family history so he can help determine when—and how frequently—you should get screened. (Plus, colon cancer rates are rising sharply in young people.)
Skip Energy Drinks With Your Booze
Mixing highly-caffeinated drinks like energy drinks with booze is a recipe for injury, a new review in Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs concludes. Ten of the 13 studies the researchers analyzed show the combination led to an increased risk of injury, such as falls or car accidents, compared to simply drinking alcohol alone. Energy drinks mask the sedating effects of alcohol, so you can’t gauge how drunk you are. So you may end up drinking more or engaging in riskier behavior. (Here are 6 surprising things that get you drunker, quicker.)
Examine Your Eyes
It’s the worst part of your regular eye exam: the pupil-dilating eye drops that burn, sting, and make going outside into the sunlight a nightmare. Now, researchers University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine have developed a cheap, portable camera that can photograph the retina without the need for pupil-dilating drops. Currently it’s only a prototype, but the researchers hope it opens the door for clinical implications down the line.
Discover Your Type
Yes, people really do have a “type” when dating: Researchers from the University of California at Davis discovered that people tend to date people that are very similar—both physically and personality-wise, as well as in variables like education, religiosity, and intelligence. But a lot of the similarities could be driven by where you went to school or the field you work in