
Mercy Housing is redefining affordable, low-income housing. We’re a national nonprofit organization that is working to build a more humane world where communities are healthy and all people can develop their full potential.

Mercy Housing is one of the nation’s largest affordable housing organizations. We participate in the development, preservation, management and/or financing of affordable, program-enriched housing across the country. We acquire and renovate existing housing, as well as develop new affordable rental properties.

Our History

Lives Changed


Our Vision

Mercy Housing is committed to creating affordable homes and inspiring dreams as we work with residents and partners to establish engaged, strong, and inclusive communities.

Our Mission

To create stable, vibrant, and healthy communities by developing, financing, and operating affordable, program-enriched housing for families, seniors, and people with special needs who lack the economic resources to access quality, safe housing opportunities.

Our Values

Mercy Housing holds as its core values:


A basic perspective and behavior which is attentive, considerate and shows special regard for the inherent dignity of persons and the sacredness of creation.


Ensure fair and equitable access, opportunity and advancement for all. Identify and eliminate barriers, including but not limited to racial discrimination, that prevent full participation of marginalized groups.


The ability to see need and respond with compassion.

How We Make A Difference

Mercy Housing property

Savannah Gardens Affordable Housing nonprofit

Affordable Housing

Regardless of the scale and population served, each Mercy Housing community is built with an unwavering commitment to dynamic partnerships, creative vision, and extensive community planning. We develop affordable, program-enriched housing for low- and moderate-income populations throughout the United States.

Rafelita Mercy Housing resident

Resident Services

Resident Services support Mercy Housing residents in living to their full potential by providing services and resources in the following areas: Health and Wellness, After School Programs, Financial Stability, Community Involvement, and Housing Stability. Today, we have Resident Services at approximately 75 percent of our properties so that all residents can benefit from the support and assistance Mercy Housing provides. Our goal is to have them at every Mercy Housing community.

A young girl riding her back with her parents

Community Development a girl working in the garden

Affordable Housing Community Development

Mercy Community Capital, an affiliate of Mercy Housing, offers loans and support to communities and infrastructure projects that create and sustain affordable housing. By collaborating with socially-responsible developers, Mercy Community Capital has helped finance the development of single and multifamily homes for rental and homeownership

“Things really started to change when I moved into my Mercy Housing community...I felt grounded and safe. Having housing allowed me to push as hard as I did to get through school because I could focus."