Metal Gear Solid movie director Jordan Vogt-Roberts is sharing concept art again [updated June 22]
Jordan Vogt-Roberts, director of the Metal Gear Solid movie, is once again sharing daily Metal Gear concept art on Twitter. Two years ago, in honor if the series’ 31st anniversary, Jordan published an artwork every day for a month, and now he has started doing it once more under the hashtag #MGSQUARANTINE. A CODEC video by Metal Gear voice actors David Hayter (Snake), Paul Eiding (Roy Campbell) and Christoper Randolph (Otacon) explains it further.
Day 1
The first artwork shows the intimidating Metal Gear REX from the original Metal Gear Solid.

Day 2
— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) May 13, 2020
I had the honor of reuniting with my KONG family at @ILMVFX. The dream team of Jeff White, Luis Carrasco & Ben Grangereau beautifully explored @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN’s poetic military surrealism.
Industrial Light & Magic + Metal Gear Solid is true nerd heaven.
Day 3

Another iconic @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN moment brought to life in collaboration with the masters at @ILMVFX. This gorgeous piece was done by another KONG alum, Stephen Todd. It perfectly captures the absurd heights we must rise to in the face of impending doom.
Day 4

Another desktop-worthy piece by the great @c780162. I always loved how the Metal Gear Solid games felt enormous, yet intimate. As the world descends into chaos, a climactic scene could zoom into the macro of two people locked in a brutal fist fight.
Day 5

Day 6

made this piece that was part of our daily ritual of me waking up to emails of his amazing artwork. We dubbed this time “MECHS IN THE MORNING”. It’s a daily routine I suggest everyone partake in. Gets the blood flowing.
Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

“Whoever wins, our battle does not end. The loser is free from the battlefield, but the winner must remain there and the survivor must live his life as the warrior until he dies”
Day 10

Day 11

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 15

Source: Jordan Vogt-Roberts Twitter