Emergency helpline: 0800 66 88 00

About Metro Rod

Metro Rod has been leading the way in drainage solutions for over 40 years. Find out more about the standards to which we operate and how we run our business.

Contact us

Company Overview

Metro Rod has more than forty regional drain cleaning service centres right across the country. That means we’re always ready to send a friendly, professional local engineer to investigate straight away, at any hour of the day or night.

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    UK-Wide Support

    Our experts are in your area and ready to respond. Use our post code finder to locate your nearest drainage specialist.

    Find a local centre
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    Our Services

    With our industry-leading technology, we have the service capabilities to help you with any aspect of drainage work.

    Drainage Services
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    Franchise Brands plc

    Owned by Franchise Brands plc, we're proud to connect you with specialists across FOG, Pumps, Plumbing and more.

    Our Brands

Accredited By

Qms Logo
Exor Approved
Contractor Plus
Achilles Services Logo

Extra Information

Our History

Metro Rod’s History

Metro Rod has a proud history spanning more than 40 years and during this time we have built an unrivalled reputation for excellence and innovation in the drainage industry.

Customer Reviews

    1,448 trees planted

    For every review, we’ll plant a tree

    Each and every written review for Metro Rod plants a new tree. ReviewForest captures every review and guarantees the tree is planted.


    Here at Metro Rod, we work alongside our sister companies to provide a complete “water in, waste out” service for our customers. As part of Franchise Brands PLC our customers benefit from access to over 600 drainage, pump, plumbing and FOG engineers.

    • Drain repair and maintenance
    • Plumbing
    • Tanker services
    • Pump design, installation and maintenance
    • Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) maintenance
    • Refrigeration door seal replacement

    Contact us today for a quote or to arrange a free site-visit. 

    You can also contact our 24/7 emergency helpline on 0800 66 88 00.
