From industrial scale calibration to precision lab equipment, we can help you ensure accuracy
ISO 9001 Registered | ISO 17025 Accredited
Accuracy matters most
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Inaccurate scales & measurement equipment can cost you money, time, and quality. Therefore, regular calibration is important. You can reduce the risk of overloading, underloading, or mixing improper proportions by ensuring the accuracy of your equipment.
Calibration is performed by state licensed, experienced technicians, with certified test weights, and must be traceable to be valid.
Our experienced technicians service equipment ranging from heavy duty, industrial scales in harsh environments to high precision lab balances in controlled environments.
Each calibration performed includes a certificate, along with an “as found”, “as left” weight or measurement. We can help with torque wrenches, pressure gauges, micrometers, and calipers. Please see below or contact your local Michelli office for a complete list of our capabilities.
Need ISO 17025 Accredited Calibration?
Michelli has ISO 17025 accredited metrology labs and experienced calibration technicians. Let our team ensure your equipment or tools are up to your standards, as well as the standards required to meet compliance & safety guidelines.
Michelli Weighing & Measurement offers the following types of calibrations:
- Mass Calibration
- Torque Calibration
- Scale Calibration
- Force Calibration
- Physical/Dimensional Calibration
- Temperature Calibration
- Electronic Calibration
- Pressure Calibration
- Humidity Calibration

How often should you have your equipment calibrated?
The answer depends greatly on how much your profits, costs, labor or quality could be affected by an inaccurate measurement.
Legal for trade scales, including scales used in retail applications must be inspected & calibrated at a frequency set by the state.
Even if your precision measurement equipment was purchased elsewhere, we can perform calibration.
Ready to schedule your service?
We offer Standard or ISO 17025 Accredited services on the following equipment
Mass Calibration
- NIST Class F test weights up to 50lbs or 30kg*
- NIST Class F analytical mass, 1 milligram to 1 kilogram
Learn more about our Mass services.
Torque & Bolting Tool Calibration
Mechanical “click” and dial type torque wrenches
Cam-over drivers and wrenches
Digital-pulse torque tools
Pneumatic bolting tools
Hydraulic bolting tools (up to 25,000 ft-lbs in-house)
Hydraulic power pump services
- Pneumatic nut runners
Learn more about our Torque services.
Lab Balance Calibration
- Top loading lab balances
- Analytical lab balances
Learn more about the services we offer for Lab Balances.
Scale Calibration
- Bench scales
- Floor scales
- Drum-filler systems
- High-speed grading systems
- Tank/hopper scales
- Truck scales
- Rail scales
- Counting scales
- Checkweighers
- In-Motion scales
Learn more about the services we offer for Scales.
Dimensional Calibration
- Outside micrometers
- Inside micrometers
- Depth micrometers
- Analog or Digital
- Up to 80 inches
Indicators & Other
- Travel indicators
- Test indicators
- Starrett Last Word indicators
- Height Gauges
- Calipers
- Dial or digital indicators
- Snap gauges
- Length standards
Granite Surface Plates
Learn more about our Physical/dimensional services.
Temperature Calibration
Contact Thermometers
- Thermocouple Probes
- Thermistor Probes
- Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD)
- Bi-Metal Thermo-Wells
- Liquid–in–Glass (LIG)
- Surface Thermometers
- Tank Thermometers
Non-Contact Thermometers
- Infrared Thermometers
- Psychrometers
- Weather Stations
- Heat Stress Monitors
Temperature Calibrators
- Thermocouple Calibrators
- RTD Calibrators
- Dry Well Calibrators (Dry Block)
- Liquid Baths
- Sand Baths
Learn more about our Temperature services.
Electronic Calibration
Electrical Testing
- Digital Multimeters
- Process Meters
- Ammeter/Clamp Meters
- MegOhmMeters
- MicroOhmMeter (DLRO)
- Phase Meters
- Volt/Ohm/Milliamp Meter
- R/L/C Meters
- High Voltage Dielectric Test Sets (Hipot) up to 100 kV
Process Instruments
- Power Quality Analyzers
- Signal Analyzers
- Frequency Analyzers
- Loop Calibrators
- T/C & RTD Calibrators
- Multifunction Process Calibrators
Time & Frequency
- Oscilloscopes
- Timers
- Stopwatches
- Frequency Counters
- Arbitrary Waveform Generators
Learn more about the services we offer on Electronic measurement equipment.
Pressure Calibration
-30 to 100 PSIG with accuracy up to +/-0.025%
0 to 1000 PSIG with accuracy up to +/-0.025%
- 0 to 5000 PSIG with accuracy up to +/-0.05%
- 5000 to 40000 PSIG with accuracy up to +/-0.1%
- Pressure Gauges
- Pressure Transmitters
- Pressure Switches
- Pressure Valves
Air Velocity Measuring Equipment
- HotwireAnemometers
- Vane Anemometers
Learn more about the services we offer for Pressure measurement equipment.
Force Measurement Calibration
Dynamometers (electronic and mechanical)
Load cells (tension & compression)
Crane scales
Force gauges (electronic and mechanical)
Force stand fixtures
Multi-load cell telemetry systems
Custom proof-load testing
Learn more about the services we offer for Force measurement equipment.
Humidity Calibration
- Humidity sensors
- Hygrothermographs
- Chilled mirror hygrometers
- Weather stations
- Humidity chart recorders
Learn more about our Humidity calibration services.
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View Our Certification Documentation
ISO 9001 Registered Company | ISO 17025 Accredited Laboratory
Standard Traceable Calibration
NIST is an abbreviation for the National Institute of Standards and Technology, which is a National Metrological Institute, (NMI) and a non-regulatory agency of the United States Department of Commerce. A Standard Traceable calibration ensures that your equipment has been compared to, and if necessary, adjusted to match, a standard that was calibrated and certified traceable to the SI Units through an NMI such as NIST.
Michelli Weighing & Measurement can provide Standard Traceable calibration service on equipment used to measure mass, lab balances, scales, physical dimensional tools, electronic tools, torque tools, force measurement equipment, temperature measurement equipment, and pressure measurement equipment.
ISO 17025 Accredited Calibration
In certain situations, ISO 17025 accredited calibration is required. These situations typically include critical applications, or those in which there is a high level of risk associated with inaccurate equipment. Basically, if the level of safety in a given situation could be compromised by inaccurate weighing & measurement equipment, ISO 17025 accredited calibration is typically required.
Michelli Weighing & Measurement can provide ISO 17025 accredited calibration service on equipment used to measure mass, lab balances, scales, physical dimensional tools, electronic tools, torque tools, force measurement equipment, temperature measurement equipment & pressure measurement equipment.
Certain ISO 17025 accredited calibration services cannot be performed on-site
In order to provide the lowest possible measurement uncertainty, certain types of physical dimensional calibration services must be performed in controlled environments & are only available in our ISO 17025 accredited calibration laboratories.
The controlled environment is also the reason that some physical dimensional calibration requires longer to complete. The physical dimensional equipment needs to acclimate to the conditions inside the calibration lab, which takes anywhere from 24-48 hours. This acclimation is necessary to allow the Michelli Weighing & Measurement calibration technicians to provide the lowest degree of measurement uncertainty (or highest accuracy) possible for your instrument.
Once equipment has acclimated to the calibration laboratory, the Michelli Weighing & Measurement technicians calibrate the equipment using traceable measurement standards. Lastly, the technicians perform the necessary calculations to certify the instrument & provide the customer with ISO 17025 certification.