Dar-es-salaam Tanzania

Dar es Salaam Tanzania is the former capital city of Tanzania. It’s the largest and the oldest city of the country. The city is the largest city and commercial town in East Africa and the 7th largest in entire African continent. The city got its name from the Arabic word Dar as salam which means the “place of peace”. Dar es salaam is one of the most important economic center  as well as the fast growing cities in the entire world. The city started as a small fishing village before the arrival of the Arabs and the colonial masters.The boost of trade along the coast directly contributed the rapid growth of this city. Currently it serves as the busiest port serving almost entire East and Central Africa. Dar es Salaam Tanzania served as a capital city till 1974 when Julius Nyerere the then the president of Tanzania changed the capital city to Dodoma. However much the capital city was transferred but the city remains one of the key administrative offices in Tanzania. The presidents resides in the city, it has a whelming growing population with over 6 million people leaving at the city.

After the declaration of Dodoma as the new capital city of Tanzania in 1974, it took more years for all the offices to be transferred to the new capital city, It was completed in 1996. The city has now remained as the tourist and business town. Dar es Salaam Tanzania is composed of five districts those are: Kinondoni in the North, Ilala which is found in the central, Temeke and Ubungo in the South and finally Kigamboni which is found in the East cutting across to Kurasini Creek.

Location of Dar es Salaam Tanzania

Dar es Salaam is located in the South Eastern part of Tanzania. Its found in the natural harbor on the land along the Eastern coast of East Africa. It’s a gate way of the Indian Ocean to the enterior of the main land of Tanzania. The fully developed port is a key factor of trade in East anmd Central Africa.  It’s a home of the white beaches found at the coastal area where tourist flock especially for honey moon. The city is connected to the interior of Tanzania with the best routes as well as railway lines. It has one international airport found in the city which is among the two international airports found in Tanzania.

The architecture of the city is mixed of different continents due to the mixture of people from different continents who came to do trade. The most dominant architecture is from Arabs, African and the colonial masters German. Most of this now days is dwarfed by the towering which are high rises.

Climate of Dar es Salaam Tanzania

The city is close to the coat but also nearer to the Equator. These two factors highly contribute to the influence of climate in the area. The city is dominated by the tropical climate mixed with Equatorial climate which is wet and warm. Its closeness to the warm Indian Ocean makes it have more warm climatic conditions. The city receives two rainy seasons with the first rains longer and more than the second rainy seasons.   The first rainy season starts from March to May while the second rains are received in November. The city receives around 1,100 mm annually making it one of the places which receives heavy rainfall in Tanzania.

Governance of Dar es Salaam Tanzania.

The city started as a small fishing village which was headed by local council. In 1949 it developed and was awarded the status of municipality. The municipality was then headed by the mayor who was elected by the four counselors that make up the Dar es Salaam Tanzania.  Later it was changed in to a city and managed by the commissioner.

Population of Dar es Salaam Tanzania

Dar es Salaam is one of the highly populated business city not only in Tanzania but entire East Africa. According to the statistics from 2002 to 2012 the population has been growing at 5.6 percent per annum. This makes it the third fastest growing population in Africa following Lagos and Bamako. According to the 2012 national census statistics, the city had a total population of 4,364,541.

The city is well connected with transport network that ranges from good tarmac roads, railway lines and international airport. The good transport network has made it easy for the guests to access the town and all its neighboring places. The Dar es Salaam commuter rail travels from urban to the interior of the country and neighboring countries in East and central Africa. Another railway system is the Tanzania Zambia Railways Authority (TAZARA)


The city harbors one of the international airports in the country that is Julius Nyerere international airport. The airport is located in the Western part of Dar es Salaam’s central business district.

Tourism in Dar es Salaam Tanzania

  Dar es Salaam Tanzania is a home of the best city tours in Tanzania. There are a wide range of attractions across the town. There two national museums and other 3 museums in the city. Other attractions in the city include:

The cathedrals like St Joseph’s Cathedral, Azania Front Lutheran Church and others. The Askari Monuments, the village museum, State house and different Islands like Kunduchi Wet “N” Wild Water Park. Tourism in the city is great experience with mixture of white beaches and real life history.

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