A star which exploded in a nearby galaxy emitted energy similar to that of 100 MILLION suns.

The incredible detonation of the star, in the M74 galaxy, as it turned into a supernova wasn't seen in the night sky as a tiny glowing light until July 23, 2013 - despite the fact that it took place 30 million years ago.

Scientists have revealed this video showing the explosion as it would have been visible by changes in its brightness over time as observed by a robotic telescope.

With a radius more than 200 times the size of our own sun, SN 2013ej - as it has been named - fired energy out at a rate of 22.4 million miles an hour, according to Southern Methodist University physicist Govinda Dhungana.

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A supernova is an explosion of a massive star which occurs during the last stellar evolutionary stages of its life, reports Eureka .

Supernova explosions are often hundreds of times brighter than a sun (

It's believe they occur when the star grows so big that its core cannot support the gravitational pull inward.

SN 2013ej was one of billions which sit in the spiral M74 galaxy in the Pisces constellation until it collapsed in spectacular fashion in a quarter of a second.

NASA show the early flash of an exploding star:

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Dhungana put together the video using information from seven ground-based telescopes and Nasa's Swift satellite on the appearance of the supernova and the following 450 days.