Dark Orbit Reloaded
Take part in huge intergalactic battles and take on the whole galaxy in DarkOrbit, the free-to-play browser-based space combat MMO from Bigpoint -- now in 3-D! Choose your faction and your ship, each with their own strengths, and take off into adventure!
DarkOrbit requires a quick trigger finger, bearing some resemblance to arcade shooter games of the past, but with greater customization options. Whether you pilot a quick, lightly armored ship, or a heavy cruiser that dishes out and takes a ton of punishment, or a support ship to shield your allies from harm, you'll be able to alter your game to suit your play style. Collect resources to enrich your faction, and lead your clan into war for total dominance of the galaxy!
Disclosure: MMOBomb works closely with publishers and developers to offer a free and rewarding experience. In order to keep everything free to use we may sometimes earn a small commission from some partners. Find more info in our FAQ page.
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Minimum System Requirements
Dark Orbit Reloaded is a browser based game and should run smoothly on practically any PC with a updated web-browser.
If you have old hardware or software, you may still be able to play Dark Orbit Reloaded, but your game experience may suffer. For the best gameplay experience, we recommend the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.
Games Like Dark Orbit Reloaded

Right now, no.
This game used to have a great community. It was so much fun to play around and have huge fights between people whose ships were at least close to equal. But it all has changed. I've played this game through it's all stages and wasted a sh*t ton of money to it because of Bigpoint. These days I personally have that ship and equipment that I can absolutely exterminate all the new players with.
But is it fun tho? No.
This game no longer offers fair pvp, good support, good community or the ability to play without paying. Now the only thing you see is wallet warriors who constantly shit-talk in chat because they can destroy new players with their ultimate ship that they paid more than 1000€ for.
It's sad. This used to be my favorite game but it's not even playable anymore.
So no, don't play this game right now. If everyone quits the game and new players don't come it forces bigpoint to make changes. And maybe, just maybe after those changes this game will be good again.
Thank you for reading and sorry for my english if I made too many mistakes.
One of the worst things about this game is the support.It is almost nonexistent.Sometimes it takes a day to fix and other times it could be a month or more.The support always has some sort of excuse for what has happened even though most players know that it is just an excuse and not the truth.
If you begin playing this game do not get trapped into spending any $$ on it.You will find that there is little reward in what you actually want.In example you can purchase booty keys Apocalypse keys,blue or red keys or keys for special boxes to receive the valued lf4s(which are basically outdated due to new lazers),but dont as you will find that other than regular booty keys the others will cost you $$$$ and you will not receive anything but items you most likely already have.True you can receive special items,but compare how many of those you get to how much you spend and you will find that it is not worth the price.
Overall this game was once a fun game to play,but now with the game wanting to add more and more things that cost $$$ it is no longer fun and costs allot.It is no longer a fair game at all(it once was and that is what made it fun)due to the big $$$ players controlling it.These $$ players have most on there ship to be Uber Full elite(which means the best of everything)and go around popping players that have little or no way to fight back.Then they go around bragging how good they are when they just really overpower the other players.
All I can say is avoid this game!!!
This Game Is A great way to inspire u in the future and helps your dumb brain.
Its fun and tactical u probably hate it cause you to bad and you cant take that so much people are better than you.
Dark Orbit makers thank you for making this game and KEEP MAKING IT BETTER!
Brilliant just brilliant
The game has since gone from "Play-To-Win" to "Pay-To-Win".
Even the game's store makes it very clear, with over 80% of the items sold being sold only for the currency known as "Uridium", which takes months to get even a reasonable amount of, or you can spend 100€ to get what would take a free player a several months to get normally.
And that's not even mentioning that every single new item introduced in the store has only been sold for Uridium.
This game is at a nearly unplayable state, with high level players camping and denying lower level players from being able to play the game.
For example: You got a mission to go to some specified coordinates on a PvP map, where once you enter combat, you may not leave until you are out of combat.
You go through the jump gate and SURPRISE!
There's an extremely high level player who is at least a hundred times stronger than you waiting right there at the gate, who kills you in seconds, with you having no chances of fighting back.
The worst part is that nothing has been done about this for years, so players who spent massive amounts of money get to completely lock free players out of being able to even play the game.
Now, the staff.
The best way to describe the customer support and in-game moderators is this: Children who throw tantrums and permanently ban from the game and the forums for as little as disagreeing with them on something they say.
To summarize: Extremely Pay2Win-based game with direct advantages over free players, low level players get locked out of the game by high level players, and atrocious customer support and moderators.
This game is just another Bigpoint cashcow game.
Don't play it.
Find another honest game to play for free or spend your money. You will not change nothing on Dark Orbit.
also mein Review über das Game fällt sehr schlecht aus, es ist sehr Zeitaufwendig als Free to Play user, da man mit Payn vie viel viel mehr erreicht und die kleinen Spieler regel recht Dominiert um dort mitzuhalten könnten müsste man jeden tag 6-10h Farmen und das will denk ich mal keiner. An sich ist aber das Game vom Design sehr gut.