🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping

Contributor Leaderboards

Thus far contributors have added 297,001 games, 1,272,855 people and 55,633 companies to the MobyGames database. If you'd like to contribute to MobyGames, you can register an account to submit information, collect games, rate games, adjust site settings to your preferences, and more!

# Contributor Points
1 Sciere 399,868
2 Patrick Bregger 167,394
3 Kabushi 109,624
4 Tim Janssen 85,267
5 j.raido 【雷堂嬢太朗】 71,861
6 Freeman 47,607
7 Evil Ryu 47,030
8 Rik Hideto 45,571
9 Koterminus 39,226
10 CorrectFish 38,116
11 Rellni944 32,554
12 Lt_Miles 32,231
13 MAT 31,789
14 Klaster_1 30,742
15 Hipolito Pichardo 30,169
16 UnderdogAnomaly 29,885
17 GTramp 26,990
18 Sicarius 25,734
19 piltdown_man 22,032
20 Constantinos Tsikinis 21,672
21 formercontrib 21,541
22 ryanbus84 19,273
23 Mtik333 17,860
24 Corn Popper 17,488
25 POMAH 15,558
26 lights out party 14,770
27 MegamanX64 14,142
28 Ms. Tea 11,896
29 Trond Berntsen 11,665
30 LepricahnsGold 11,606
31 hoeksmas 9,257
32 quizzley7 9,061
33 Jeanne 8,860
34 Foxhack 8,728
35 Xoleras 8,709
36 glik 8,577
37 Rounin 8,181
38 Игги Друге 8,041
39 Pseudo_Intellectual 8,020
40 Karsa Orlong 7,556
41 firefang9212 6,921
42 vedder 6,534
43 Stratege 6,455
44 Macs Black 6,097
45 B.L. Stryker 5,564
46 S Olafsson 5,408
47 Skippy_Chipskunk 4,910
48 Ben K 4,815
49 chirinea 4,607
50 Kennyannydenny 4,470
51 Micifuz 4,333
52 Jake AM 4,274
53 fleshonbone 4,243
54 Picard 3,973
55 MusicFox 3,949
56 monkeyislandgirl 3,709
57 Iggi 3,660
58 MrMamen 3,380
59 Rainer S 3,312
60 Alaka 3,294
61 PolloDiablo 3,267
62 Evolyzer 3,221
63 Martin Smith 3,189
64 Wizo 3,121
65 Deleted 2,968
66 FatherJack 2,911
67 Jay Chay 2,845
68 Shoddyan 2,725
69 DJP Mom 2,724
70 Riamus 2,605
71 Accatone 2,434
72 Michael Cassidy 2,405
73 Havoc Crow 2,384
74 Stillman 2,255
75 Indra was here 2,206
76 ClydeFrog 2,186
77 Kalle 2,144
78 Multimedia Mike 2,116
79 qwertyuiop 2,061
80 Valeran 2,014
81 FrozenDukks 1,978
82 Terok Nor 1,951
83 Joshua J. Slone 1,936
84 crbr 1,902
85 goldenxp 1,867
86 EboMike 1,852
87 Jo ST 1,737
88 JPaterson 1,695
89 Rebound Boy 1,681
90 Lampbane 1,681
91 Cantillon 1,679
92 jean-louis 1,660
93 Electric Boogaloo 1,658
94 Fred VT 1,603
95 Infernos 1,589
96 Luis Silva 1,583
97 Zeppin 1,582
98 Terrence Bosky 1,579
99 SupSuper 1,562
100 ZeTomes 1,530

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