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10,000 results for "Regatta"

game cover GAME: Regatta (1993)
DOS (1993)
GAME: Regatta (1974)
Terminal (1974)
game cover GAME: Regatta: A Sailing Game (1983)
Apple II (1983)
COMPANY: Regista Ltd.
54 games documented, including Root Double: Before Crime, After Days - Xtend Edition.
developer photo PERSON: Patrick Baggatta (AKA: Patrick Bagatta)
Credited on 22 games, including Cosmos Chaos!.
PERSON: Renata Bertolas (AKA: Bertolas Renata)
Credited on 75 games, including Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter.
PERSON: Renata Villaça (AKA: Renata Vilaça)
Credited on 9 games, including Tom Clancy's The Division 2.
PERSON: Renatka
PERSON: Renata Dolnick (AKA: Renata Dolnik)
Credited on 4 games, including Wizardry: Crusaders of the Dark Savant.
PERSON: Maria Martin Regatos (AKA: Maria Regatos)
Credited on 3 games, including The Last of Us: Part II - Remastered.
developer photo PERSON: Carla Renata Williams (AKA: Carla Renata)
Credited on 5 games, including Grand Theft Auto V.
PERSON: Renata Carolina Carvalho (AKA: Renata Carvalho)
Credited on 2 games, including Top Racer Collection.
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