Our Team
Sean Triner
After nearly three decades in the nonprofit trenches, I was struck by a big idea. Smart fundraisers like you need a safety net… a super-charged support system… a path out of the fundraising wilderness. So I co-founded Moceanic to connect smart fundraisers with the best fundraising training and experts on the planet. Life-changing fundraising success awaits. Are you ready for that crucial next step in your journey?
Christiana Stergiou
The very fact that you’re reading this tells me you want to learn more about fundraising. You’re smart and you know that learning the right things in your job is going to raise more money for your cause and make your job a thousand times more rewarding. Thanks for looking around and finding out more about me.

Sarah Lawson
I love making connections. I love connecting people to causes they care about. I love connecting fundraisers with each other. And with brilliant fundraising.
Fundraising is the only job I’ve known, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. What a privilege it is for you and me to spend our days working towards making the world a better place.

Fiona McPhee
The fundraisers I work with tell me they appreciate my practical advice and my hands-on approach. I’ve been happily busy developing fundraising programs for longer than I care to remember. (OK, it’s 20 years now!) I love data and I love helping fundraisers like you use their data to better understand, respect and love their donors.

James Herlihy
I’ve helped nonprofits grow their digital programs and impact for 16 years. I know that digital fundraising shares the same foundations as other channels – community, emotional response, donor impact, a strong case for support. But digital isn’t a channel; it’s a universe of channels and strategies with different rules and roles. It can work for all nonprofits – you just need the right path for you. I look forward to helping you find that path and navigate the digital universe successfully!
Jeff Brooks
I’ve been active in fundraising for nearly 30 years, and LOVE YOUR DONORS is the most important thing I know about fundraising. Nonprofits that love their donors — and demonstrate their love through concrete action — raise a lot more money. They find more donors. Those donors give them more. And stay with them longer.