A global accelerator for small-business entrepreneurs
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A multi-channel platform that empowers entrepreneurs
Mona has partnered with 200+ entrepreneurs around the world – ranging widely in background and industry – supporting them with access to capital, distribution opportunities, and more. Get support for growing your small business today.
Access to zero-interest, zero-fee loans
Product investment and distribution opportunities
One-on-one business and design support
Powered by an award-winning team of storytellers, designers, and entrepreneurs
Increasing access to capital
We connect entrepreneurs to zero-interest microloans to provide the financial boost small business owners need to grow and thrive. To date, we’ve connected more than 100 entrepreneurs in 60+ cities to over $1 million in zero-interest, zero-fee loans.
in zero-interest, zero-fee loans distributed
could not get a loan elsewhere
revenue growth after loans
Fueling product investments
Through our innovative gifting brands, we proudly support small business entrepreneurs by making significant product investments. Our collaborations with talented, underrepresented creators bring handcrafted, high-quality cultural products to subscribers.
Designing for impact
Our award-winning design studio transforms your digital presence through exceptional brand and website design. Access the expertise of a world-class chief designer tailored to your company’s needs. From concept to completion, we cover it all.
For every project we do, we build one pro bono or highly subsidized website for a low-income entrepreneur.
From our partners
“I’ve had my life on hold forever and being a part of [Mona] has finally given me the push to open up shop.”
Sally, Founder at XLS Creations
“Mona has been a HUGE support to us. The funding & resources we received helped us surpass our goals.”
Grace, Founder @ Iber! Naturals
“I feel better prepared to take on other wholesale accounts and have a better sense of how to market my products.”
Louisa, Founder @ Feast By Louisa